Is Gen-Z Turning Back To Religion? 5 New Podcasts To Know & Primary School Nostalgia
Is Gen-Z Turning Back To Religion? 5 New Podcasts To Know & Primary School Nostalgia

Is Gen-Z Turning Back To Religion? 5 New Podcasts To Know & Primary School Nostalgia

Welcome back to the LuxeGen Group Chat. In this episode, content creator Emily Beaney is joined by Jessica Stark and Deborah van der Bij to discuss the significance of Lent, what it means to be a Christian and how to explore faith during this time. They kick off the conversation by explaining what Lent is and why it’s a time for Christians to reflect, before discussing the importance of faith in their own lives, with each of the three sharing personal insights about how their beliefs shape their decisions, relationships and overall sense of purpose. They also chat about how they celebrated Pancake Day, sharing their favorite toppings and traditions, before diving into the misconceptions surrounding Christianity and the church. Finally, the three share their recommendations – from podcasts to music and the TV shows they’re loving right now – as well their favourite brands and influencers, before finishing off the episode with a fun game…

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