3 Grown-Up Looks From The High Street
Zara is everyone’s favourite fashion hit and crosses all boundaries of age, but you do have to do a bit of digging (both online and in store) to find the more mature, polished and elegant pieces. Here, fashion journalist Gail Rolfe, the face behind popular Instagram account My Age Is Irrelevant, shows off the stylish pieces available now that will update your spring wardrobe.

For a classic, everyday look, you can't beat a pair of navy tailored trousers and a crisp shirt. A striped sweater layered on top will relax the look and make a boxy button down that bit more grown-up – just add trainers for that extra bit of balance.

Zara is a hidden gem for shirt dresses, and this leopard print one is surprisingly versatile: just add slip-on sneakers for spring (and boots later in the year). You may not have considered wearing a slouchy trench before, but this oversized fit feels much more modern than the conventional structured style – roll up the sleeves for an on-trend finish.

Consider this a masterclass in straight leg denim. Skinnies would date this look, but the oversized fit of these jeans modernises the classic shirt and blazer combination – and ballet flats add a contemporary feel with the right hem length.

Follow Gail @MyAgeIsIrrelevant
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