Ten Favourite Things In My Home
1. My Daughter’s Art
The piece behind the sofa in my garden room is a large collage with an intricate border of etchings created by my daughter, Anouska, for her final art degree show. I absolutely love it and it has taken pride of place here. I can sit for hours examining it, so not only do I have an emotional tie but I’m constantly discovering something within it.
2. My Kitchen Chandeliers
I love to mix things up in the interiors we create and adding something unexpected to a scheme is very much part of our handwriting, and always has been. I purchased the beautiful bag chandelier from Norfolk Decorative many years ago when they were still based in London. I just love the juxtaposition of the crystal drops against the raw concrete worktop and reclaimed rustic wood doors of the cabinetry with their wrought iron handles.
3. A Twisted Rope Lamp
I’d been looking for some time for a lamp to sit on top of the gorgeous console that I commissioned from Matthew Cox and, having always loved the iconic twisted rope lamps by Audoux and Minet, when one popped up with its original shade on our Instagram feed from Sauce, a favourite vintage supplier, I just had to have it. It adds a little bit of fun as well as some ambient lighting in the kitchen.
4. Two Vintage Leather Chairs
I fell in love with a pair of wonderful 70s Habitat leather chairs when on a sourcing trip at the Decorative Fair in London. They were just what I’d been looking for and it was my first introduction to the lovely Charlotte and Streett of Streett Marburg, who we often source from. Not only are they super comfy but I love the richness of the vintage leather and the statement they make alongside the original Crittall windows.
5. This Tiger Tapestry
After years of living with a very large figurative piece of art in the living room, which I disliked intensely, my husband agreed it was time I had something I loved in its place. The outgoing piece, which I’d nicknamed ‘the glooms', was so dark in nature. I was thrilled to finally get shot of it and happily replaced it with a 17th-century French Aubusson tapestry sourced from Sauce, which my husband refers to as 'the carpet’!
6. A Wooden Chair
The 1950s wooden chair in our living room was made by De Ster Gelderland from the Netherlands and once again was sourced from Sauce – clearly the perfect supplier for my home! I was originally looking for a piece for my son’s old bedroom and, while it started off there, it soon found its way into the living room as a permanent fixture. It’s an additional seat but it also suits the scheme so well.
7. Two Wall Sconces
I sourced the gilt sconces from Carlton Davidson, a favourite antique lighting supplier on the King's Road. They were the perfect addition to my bedroom, creating a lovely ambient lighting in this very peaceful space. I’ve known Carlton since we were teenagers and his eye for antique lighting and more is second to none, so it’s lovely to have one of his beautiful pieces in my own home.
8. My Bedroom Quilt
The starting point for the master bedroom scheme was the beautiful Swedish painting on board, sourced from the Decorative Fair a number of years ago, which now hangs above the bed. The sumptuous eiderdown made with ‘Varykino’ by Décors Barbares fabric and a striped back was a must-have, taking me back to my childhood bedroom of an eiderdown and blankets to keep me warm. Not only is it super cosy, it looks so gorgeous too.
9. The Curvy Sofa
This lovely curved, deep-buttoned sofa followed us from our previous home, having been handed down by my parents-in-law when they downsized many years ago. Originally a pair upholstered in a beautiful rusty orange velvet, which we enjoyed while our children were young, I have since split them keeping one piece for my bedroom and giving Anouska the other for her home when she moved out. This one, now covered in Tibor’s gorgeous ‘Princess’ cream boucle, fits the bay window recess perfectly, and it’s the loveliest spot to relax and read a book in.
10. The Wrought Iron Bed
A much-loved uncle gave me this Victorian wrought iron bedstead when I was a teenager, so it holds a special place in my heart. I particularly love the floral decorated enamel baubles at the base so, when it started to show signs of age, I had it repaired and commissioned a bespoke mattress to fit its slightly unusual size. It has followed me from my very first home through various others, finally landing in Anouska’s bedroom when she turned 11. It’s still firmly located in her old room, now a very special guest bedroom.
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