Emma Lou Proudlock’s Pregnancy & Postpartum Essentials
Being pregnant when you already have a toddler is a totally different experience. When I was pregnant with Bonnie, I vividly remember checking all the apps for updates – tracking my changing body relative to the baby’s size. This time, I have no idea if the baby is the size of a cucumber or a papaya! This pregnancy has felt harder than my first, emotionally as well as physically. My priority is always my daughter, so balancing her needs while running on a lower battery has been a juggle.
Maternity fashion is a struggle. When I was pregnant with Bonnie, I spent so much time searching for maternity wear that wasn’t hideous. It’s baffling that only a handful of cool brands exist in the market – the options are slim. This time around, I’m skipping maternity-specific pieces and just sizing up in regular clothes or sticking to stretchy trousers. My go-to are Norma Kamali’s elephant trousers – they’re flattering, comfortable and chic. They’ve carried me through both pregnancies (and beyond), making me feel put together even on days when I don’t feel it. For jeans, I have a loose, baggy pair from Seraphine, and H&M Mama has some great relaxed styles, too. As for bras, I swear by M&S minimisers – M&S high-waisted, flexi-fit, no-VPL knickers are my ride or die.
Compression boots are great for water retention. I treated myself to a pair of TheraBody RecoveryAir Jet Boots in the Black Friday sales and try to wear them most evenings. My reflexologist, Maria Pecoff, always notices when I’ve been using them regularly – she says my legs don’t feel as sloshy. I also swear by Puresport electrolytes for hydration.
Holistic treatments are my form of self-care. I swear by pregnancy massage with John Minghella and lymphatic drainage with Flavia Morellato. I also love Katharine Mackenzie Paterson at KMP Skin for facials. I also signed up for a few magazine subscriptions (mostly foodie ones), and it’s become my favourite part of the month when that envelope flops through the letterbox. A bath, clean PJs, a candle, a stack of magazines and a cup of tea is my idea of a perfectly chilled evening.
Sleep is a work in progress. I’m a tummy sleeper, so adjusting to a different position has been hard. I feel hyper-aware of my sleep posture – like my subconscious is always awake, reminding me to stay on my left side. I haven’t found a pregnancy pillow I love, so my sleep recipe is a Calm sleep story, herbal tea, my Kindle, and a bit of wishful thinking.
My hospital bag is much more realistic this time. With Bonnie, I packed as if we were going on a two-week holiday. My husband and I even packed the backgammon board (yes, really). I packed luxurious PJs, cashmere socks and a silk robe, but the only things I actually used were a nipple balm, Tena Lady pads and my reading glasses. This time, I’m only packing the essentials: comfy knickers, socks and a couple of nighties with good access for breastfeeding.

@babybrezza_uk; medela_uk_eu
I’m having another elective C-section. Both of my babies have been breech (this one still is), and I have no plans to try turning them. I absolutely loved my C-section with Bonnie – it was calm and supported. The recovery is no mean feat, but I made sure to get up and walk as soon as I could. I am a little more anxious for after this op as I know I won’t be able to lift Bonnie for a few weeks which I’ll find tough. I used coconut oil to massage my scar once it had healed to help with the scarring and will be doing the same again.
I’m giving myself more grace around feeding. Bonnie was a very reflux-y baby and feeding was tough. I remember all the times she would finally latch, feed and then throw up all my milk. I remember feeling like an empty shell, both physically and emotionally. We made the decision to move her onto formula after three months of me expressing and bottle feeding. It was an emotional decision but this time, I won’t put that pressure on myself. Breastfeeding is wonderful, but so is formula. For the early days, I couldn’t be without a Haakaa manual pump and a Medela electric pump, as well as plenty of MAM bottles and a steriliser. Renting a hospital-grade breast pump can be a great option, and a Baby Brezza formula machine was an absolute lifesaver when we switched to formula.
We never used a nursing chair and didn’t regret it. I built a pillow fort in bed instead. This time, as much as I’d love to invest in a proper chair, I can see myself back in the pillow fort again – cosy, easy and no extra expense. However, we absolutely loved our DockATot for popping the baby in on the sofa while pottering around, and will be using this again.
The right newborn essentials make life easier. A Love to Dream swaddle is the one thing I recommend to all new parents. We called it ‘the bat suit’ because it made Bonnie look like a tiny bat with her arms up in the air, but it’s a game-changer for a baby that doesn’t like traditional swaddling. She slept like a dream in it, and whenever we used it, we could always rely on a good stint of sleep. I also rate the Munchkin shusher. I spent so much time shushing Bonnie to sleep until I discovered this little machine that did it for me – genius.
A bath thermometer is a must for peace of mind. I found anything that gave me comfort to make sure I was doing things right was reassuring. We also loved the Skip Hop Moby 3-Stage Newborn Bath – it has different stages for growth and saved us from filling the big bath every time.
An Artipoppe carrier was the best investment. The Baby Bjorn newborn sling was great in the early days, but we graduated to an Artipoppe as Bonnie got older. A bit of an investment, but a very stylish one.
The early days are messy, but everything falls into place. The newborn stage is unpredictable, but over time, you find your rhythm. Give yourself permission to embrace imperfection – no-one knows your baby better than you. Advice is great, but your gut feeling is golden. Sleep when you can, but also do what nourishes you. Sometimes I napped when Bonnie slept, but other times, I just wanted to watch Real Housewives with a cup of tea. And that’s important too.
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