What The SheerLuxe Team Are Buying Their Children For Christmas

Laura Black, Managing Editor
"It's great to buy things that spark their imaginations – but you can't go wrong with practical purchases like pyjamas and new slippers, either."

Elaine Lloyd Jones, Senior Fashion & Shopping Editor
"I usually try and bear the saying ‘something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read’ in mind. Then I add in a few extra bits for fun."

Georgina Blaskey, Interiors And Homes Editor
"Buying for teens can be challenging, so it's worth finding things they can use straight away. Putting up these LEDs will keep my son busy and my daughter will enjoy styling this storage mirror in her bedroom."

Sarah Templeman, Head Of Broadcasting
"I try to choose presents that will keep them busy, as well as things they need – and always lots of books. We're big readers and the Christmas break is the perfect time to get little noses stuck into some good pages."

Cressida Micklem, Advertising Manager
"This fun tea set will encourage a bit of role play – and I'm also hoping this dreamy pink kitchen will keep her entertained for hours."

Samantha Jerram, Group Commercial Director
"My daughter is still very little, so it's going to be a mix of toys to encourage development, as well as things like cosy coats and shoes I know she'll get plenty of wear from."
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All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.