Why You Should Be Using Arctic Cloudberry In Your Regime

Why You Should Be Using Arctic Cloudberry In Your Regime

Arctic Cloudberry – a key ingredient in Scandinavian skincare – is having a major moment in beauty. Full of antioxidants and vitamins, we’re starting to see it seep into skincare, make-up, shampoos and conditioners. To find out more about its beauty benefits, we spoke to skincare expert, Tiina Isohanni…

It’s A Mega-Dose Of Vitamin C

Nicknamed ‘Scandinavian Gold’ this juicy berry contains twice as much vitamin C than oranges, which is why it’s so well known for its brightening benefits. On top of that, it’s packed with vitamin E and A, too, which act as antioxidants to neutralise toxins and protect skin cells from weakening, which in turn, reduces signs of ageing. In short, it’s a skincare powerhouse that’s guaranteed to continue weaving its way into beauty products this 2019.  

Arctic Cloudberry Seeds Are Rich In Omegas 

The seed-rich fruits are similar to raspberries or blackberries in texture and shape, and those extra seeds only enhance the abundant benefits of the cloudberry. But it’s the oil derived from the seed itself that is the real hero. Loaded with omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, (which can help to strengthen the skin’s protective barrier) they’re also key for healthy, soft skin. Another bonus is these fatty acids help skin retain moisture, giving that unbeatable, dewy glow whilst also minimising the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

It Combats Dry Skin 

Said to maintain its moisture levels even in freezing climates, Arctic cloudberry is a hero for dry, dehydrated skin. It’s also brilliant for treating burns and skin diseases too, due to the hydration it saturates the skin with – in fact, it’s highly sought-after in Scandinavian countries as a medicine because of these healing qualities. 

Over Time, Collagen Is Boosted 

Another key benefit of Artic cloudberry is its high concentration of ellagitannins. These help to preserve the skin’s natural collagen, while beta-carotene (commonly used in skincare formulations to protect against UVA-light damage) works to take down any inflammation and swelling, as well as keeping conditions like eczema at bay. 

Trial this skincare trend for yourself with our SL-approved edit of Arctic Cloudberry buys…

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