Chef André attributes his love of food to his father, a Frenchman and a chef, and says that his fondest childhood memories are of family meals around his parents’ kitchen table. This recipe is a rapid recreation of one of the dishes that made regular appearances on that very table, and is one we hope you love as much as he does. Andrés creamy lentils aren’t famous for nothing!

Pop the diced sweet potato onto a lined baking tray. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Toss to coat evenly. Roast on the top shelf of your oven until soft and golden, 17-20 mins. Turn halfway through cooking.
Meanwhile, trim the green beans and chop into thirds. Roughly chop the chervil. Drain and rinse the lentils. Halve the lemon.
Heat a splash of oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Season the turkey with salt and pepper. Brown the turkey for 2 mins on each side. Continue to cook the turkey, turning occasionally, until no longer pink in the middle, another 5-7 mins.
Once the turkey is cooking, pop another frying pan on high heat with a splash of oil. Add the green beans, stir-fry for 1 minute then add the water. Stir in and dissolve the stock pot. Lower the heat to medium, simmer until the beans are tender, 4-5 mins.
Add the lentils, mustard and crème fraîche to the beans and stir through. Bring to the boil then remove from the heat and stir in half the chervil. When the turkey is cooked, remove from the heat, squeeze on some lemon juice and sprinkle on the remaining chervil.
Slice the turkey. Share the lentils and beans between your bowls. Pop the sweet potato chunks on top. Finish with the turkey and pour any remaining juices over. TUCK IN!
Recipe available from in their Rapid Box
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