Sticky Asian Cod With Roasted Tenderstem Broccoli And New Potatoes

Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
To make the glaze, combine all the sauce ingredients in a measuring jug or small bowl and whisk well until combined.
Place the tenderstem broccoli on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, drizzle with the sesame oil and season with salt.
Toss the quartered potatoes with some olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Place the cod on the baking tray and coat with 1/2 the glaze.
Roast everything in the preheated oven for 16-20 minutes depending on the size of the cod.
Remove the tray from the oven and serve in bowls, drizzling the fish and tenderstem broccoli with the remaining sauce.
Recipe courtesy of
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