Pre-Loved Topics Schedule

Pre-Loved Topics Schedule

Items sold on the SheerLuxe Community and / or the Preloved Section must comply with all applicable laws and regulations and the Preloved Sales Terms.


Buying or selling of the following is prohibited on the SheerLuxe Community and / or the Preloved Section of the SheerLuxe Community:


  1. Adult products: listings must not promote the buying, selling or use of adult products.
  2. Alcohol: listings must not promote the buying or selling of alcohol. 
  3. Body parts & fluids: listings must not promote the buying or selling of human body parts or fluids.
  4. Digital media & electronic devices: listings must not promote the buying or selling of devices that facilitate or encourage streaming digital content in an unauthorised manner or interfering with the functionality of electronic devices.
  5. Discrimination: listings must not wrongfully discriminate or suggest a preference for or against people because of a personal characteristic, included but not limited to race, ethnicity, colour, national origin, citizenship, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, marital status, disability, or medical or genetic condition. Listings must comply with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination. 
  6. Documents, currency & financial instruments: listings must not promote the buying or selling of real or fake documents, currency, financial instruments or virtual currencies. 
  7. Gambling: listings must not promote the buying, selling or facilitation of online gambling for money or money’s worth, including digital currencies. Online gambling includes poker, bingo, fantasy sports, casino, raffles, lotteries, betting, gaming and sweepstakes in an online environment. 
  8. Hazardous goods & materials: listings must not promote the buying or selling of hazardous materials & substances. 
  9. Human exploitation & sexual services: listings must not promote any form of human trafficking, prostitution, escort or sexual services. 
  10. Perishable goods: listings must not promote the buying or selling of perishable goods.
  11. Jobs: listings must not promote job opportunities, whether in full or part. 
  12. Land, animals & animal products: listings must not promote the buying or selling of animals or animal parts, or land.
  13. Medical and healthcare products: listings must not promote medical or healthcare products and services, including tobacco products, paraphernalia & nicotine. 
  14. Misleading, violent or hateful products: listings may not contain misleading, violent or hateful products and offers.
  15. Nothing for sale: listings must not be used to promote news, humour or other content that does not offer any product for sale.
  16. Prescription products, drugs & drug paraphernalia: listings must not promote the buying or selling of drugs, drug paraphernalia or prescription products. 
  17. Recalled Products: listings may not promote the buying or selling of recalled products. 
  18. Services: services must not be listed, including sexual services. 
  19. Stolen goods: listings must not promote the buying or selling of stolen items.
  20. Subscriptions & digital products: listings must not promote the buying or selling of downloadable digital content, digital subscriptions or digital accounts. 
  21. Counterfeit & pirated goods: listings must not promote the buying or selling of counterfeit or pirated products and sales prohibited by government sanctions are strictly prohibited.
  22. Used cosmetics: listings must not promote the buying or selling of cosmetics that have been used. 
  23. Weapons, ammunition & explosives: listings must not promote the buying & selling of weapons, ammunition and explosives. 
  24. Digital tickets: listings must not promote the buying or selling of tickets for events of any kind, gift cards and vouchers.