How You Should Prep Your Skin For The Sun

How You Should Prep Your Skin For The Sun

57% of British women consider a tan the most vital part of their summer beauty look. If you’re one of the thousands of women who invest time and money in a warm-weather glow, it’s also worth ensuring your skin is always ready for the heat of the sun. We teamed up with Hello Day and their UK Nutritionist, Lily Soutter, to discover how we can prep our skin internally pre-sunbathing, and why it’s so important to…

1. Boost Your Melanin

Studies suggest vitamin A is important to melanin production and is essential to having healthy skin. You get vitamin A from the food you eat, especially vegetables that contain beta carotene, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and peas. Another key ingredient to aid in melanin production is L-tyrosine. When exposed to the sun, this works to promote and stimulate melanin in the skin. The melanin is then transported through the top layer of the epidermis, then a chemical reaction is caused when it comes in contact with UV rays and the skin’s chance of tanning increases – but as always, stick to a high SPF to prevent that from turning to burn. 

2. Invest In A Supplement

While a golden tan looks great, it’s no secret that overexposure to the sun can damage the skin. It’s always important to support your skin’s barrier function, but if you’re going to sunbathe, it becomes even more key. This is down to the fact that potentially damaging free radicals are produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. To counteract this, invest in a supplement like Hello Day’s Sun Prime. Packed with amino acids, vitamins and minerals, it works to prime your skin ready for the sun, ensuring it stays as protected and healthy as possible. The combination of ingredients includes copper to help balance skin pigmentation, beta-carotene to enhance tanned skin and vitamins A and E to help protect skin cells from oxidative stress. 

3. Start Taking Them Early

For an optimum tan and to get the most out of your supplements, you should try to start taking Sun Prime one month ahead of your holidays. Always use a high SPF during sun exposure and at the end of your holiday, continue to take the supplements for another month. This will prolong your summer tan and keep the skin strong and healthy. Not that organised? Don't worry, you can take Sun Prime during your holiday, too, and still reap the glow-giving benefits. 

4. Always Stay Hydrated

It sounds simple but skin needs moisture to stay flexible. Even mild dehydration will cause your skin to look dry, tired and slightly grey. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day – all fluids count, but water is king! Some fruit and vegetables also contain water, such as watermelon, courgette and cucumber – plus the minerals they contain will increase the rate you hydrate your body and skin overall. 

5. Look To Selenium

Selenium is a key ingredient in Hello Day’s Sun Prime and it works to improve heart health and blood circulation which leads to improved colour and texture of your skin. It also promotes absorption of vitamin E and enhances the antioxidant function of it which is mainly stored in the skin. This effect in turn, is reflected through a glowing complexion. It’s also the best antioxidant to prevent or reduce ageing due to oxidation and is required by the skin for healing burn injuries and other skin conditions, too. 

6. Create A Unique Diet

Four to six weeks before sun exposure it’s key to create a diet full of nutritional compounds that will continuously prepare your body and most importantly your skin to active exposure to UVA and UVB rays. Think beta carotene rich foods, including carrot, spinach, oranges, kale, squash and sweet potatoes. There are lots of skin-loving foods available in everyday diet, but we rarely consume enough daily, hence the need for a good quality supplement. It’s also worth upping your lycopene levels (which can be found in tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon) as it works to help prevent damage caused by light. It’s regularly recommended for sun damage and excess pigmentation, or melasma for its gentle lightening effects. Ensuring that we include these fresh and vibrant fruit and vegetables within the diet is a must and may help prepare, protect and enhanced tanned skin. 

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