My Life In Books: Rachel Yoder
What are you reading right now?
I’m in the middle of Idle Grounds by Krystelle Bamford. It’s magical, perplexing and funny in a wholly original way.
What books made you want to write?
My earliest creative writing was inspired by horror books written by Stephen King and Robin Cook. At the same time, I was reading a lot of Maya Angelou, which I think accounts – at least partly – for the way I hear sentences and prose.
Is there a book that’s stayed with you?
When I was a kid, The Witch Next Door by Norman Bridwell made me feel unlike any other childhood book: scared, delighted, bold, adventurous and harmlessly evil. I recommend it for all children. As an adult, the astonishing and epic debut of Cherise Wolas, The Resurrection of Joan Ashby, has stayed with me.
When and where do you read?
I most often read in bed to ease myself into sleep, but I also love an all-day book binge in my sunroom/library on the weekend.
Where do you buy books?
Prairie Lights Bookstore in Iowa City – it’s the best bookstore in the world.
Do you belong to a book club?
I started a book club last year, mainly to have a reason to invite people over with whom I wanted to be better friends, but we’ve read some good books too.
How do you choose what to read?
I’m a big proponent of the first-page litmus test. If the prose doesn’t immediately grip me, I most likely won’t continue.
Do you have a favourite author?
It would be impossible to identify a favourite author, but the authors I’ve read the most are Miriam Toews, Sheila Heti, Rachel Cusk and Amy Hempel.
What's been your favourite read of 2024 so far?
Bear by Marian Engel. It was published in 1976, so I’m a little late to the party – but, oh, what a party it is.
Favourite biography?
Joanna Biggs wrote an extraordinary book called A Lift of One’s Own: Nine Women Writers Begin Again that catalogues the complicated and digressive lives of some of the very best women writers who, by the end of the book, felt like sisters and ancestors. I felt understood and seen in a way I never had by any book.
Favourite non-fiction book?
Kerry Howley writes the most original, interesting and complex non-fiction in the contemporary landscape. Bottoms Up And The Devil Laughs is her latest.
Do you read poetry?
Not that often, but I have Jorie Graham's To 2040 in my reading nook at the moment. Mary Ruefle’s The Most Of It is an all-time favourite.
What book would you give as a gift?
The Summer Book by Tove Jansson. It’s charming, friendly and episodic – a perfect read-here-and-there book for nearly anyone.
What was the last book that made you cry?
I almost never cry when I read, but I’ve sobbed while reading all of Miriam Toews’s books – most recently Fight Night.
Any recommendations for laugh-out-loud books?
I got a sneak peek at Sky Daddy – coming out in 2025 – by Kate Folk. It made me laugh at its pure audaciousness. The narrators of My Year of Rest And Relaxation and Big Swiss are also hilarious.
What’s your favourite film or TV adaptation of a book?
It’s impossible to choose just one, so I’ll leave you with these: The Talented Mr Ripley, The Shining, Clueless and American Psycho.
Are there any books that have helped you through difficult times?
During my lonely 20s, Cowboys Are My Weakness by Pam Houston and Jesus’ Son by Denis Johnson were my best friends.
Favourite literary character?
It’s a toss-up between Hester Prynne, Nancy Drew and Beth Harmon.
What one book should everybody read in their lifetime?
It’s impossible to answer this question. But, I think everyone should take a look at My Valley by Claude Ponti.
Do you have a favourite book of all time?
I’ve read Pure Colour by Sheila Heti three times, and probably purchased a dozen copies of the book for friends and family. It was a revelation, it completely changed the way I thought a novel could be and do.
Finally, what are you working on next?
I’m currently working on a horror screenplay set in the north Florida woods. I’m very excited to see how it develops. I also have a novel-type thing I sometimes open on my computer and stare at, then close without having written a single word. There are a few other ideas orbiting – for movies and for books – and it’s just a matter of finding the time to sit down and capture them on the page.
Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder is available to buy here
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