How Interior Designers Do Christmas

How Interior Designers Do Christmas

It’s often the traditions that make the festive period feel extra special – be it decorating the tree, laying the table or wrapping the presents. If you're in need of some inspo, here five interior designers tell us how they like to celebrate…

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Bee Osborn

Founder Of Osborn Interiors

“Christmas in the cottage always feels very special. I try to prep as much as I can before the family invades. I love simple decorations, and forage for things like ivy, moss and eucalyptus, which I scatter around the house. I love a real tree covered in white ornaments, and I always make a wreath and centrepiece for the table in the same theme. All my wrapping is done in either brown or plain white paper with hessian ribbon, so the vibe is quite rustic.  

“My (adult) children bring down a large stilton and vacherin from Paxton & Whitfield in London, and mince pies from Gail’s. On Christmas Eve we eat beef wellington; I buy the beef (along with the turkey and ham) from Beadles Butcher in Chipping Norton, but we make the filling and pastry. We always serve it with dauphinoise potatoes and veg, and for pudding we have frozen berries with white chocolate sauce. Then it’s off to the midnight service at church, and when we get back I prep for the next day. I keep the turkey in the boot of the car when I collect it on 22nd December, so on Christmas Eve I bring it in to let it get to room temperature overnight. I prep the veg and we stock the fridge and the log basket, before collapsing into bed after leaving whisky and carrots out for Father Christmas and hanging out all the stockings.  

“Christmas Day is a sea of wrapping paper and food and piles of washing up followed by a good film. We play a lot of games as a family like Perudo, Who’s In The Bag and Code Names, while we sit around the fire. Boxing Day is more of the same. We tend to stay at home rather than go anywhere – my idea of heaven is spending the day in my PJs. Sometimes we have friends round for lunch the day after Boxing Day, but I’m normally too exhausted and selfishly want my family to myself.”


Laura Butler-Madden,

Founder Of Laura Butler Madden

“Christmas starts on 1st December when our tree goes up and we are allowed to listen to Christmas songs for the first time. We get together as a family to decorate, listening to carols from King’s College, Cambridge. We all get involved in the decorating, but I have the final say. Scent is such an important part of Christmas for me – cosy fires and candles burning throughout the house to create a welcoming atmosphere when people come in. This year, I’m excited to use candles from my new brand, Grove England, which has warm layers of cedarwood and labdanum.

“We love to host at Christmas – we have family over from Spain where Christmas Eve is their main event, so we serve a seafood platter and champagne that night. We usually order the food from Wright Brothers as they have a great selection. We dress up for this meal – this year, I’ve decided to wear this dress from Needle & Thread. After supper, we always put on new PJs (this year from Sian Esther) and get everything ready for Father Christmas.

“Christmas Day starts with opening stockings in bed followed by a lovely dog walk (weather permitting) then we all gather to cook as a family. This year, we are breaking with tradition to have a beef wellington, followed by a large cheese platter from Paxton & Whitfield.

“I will be styling the table with beautiful linens and tableware from Rebecca Udall, with glassware from Summerill & Bishop – I have this fish decanter on my Christmas wish list, so fingers crossed that will make an appearance too. We then all have canapés and champagne while opening presents, and sit down to a late lunch. The evening is usually very relaxed and cosy – PJs on the sofa and an old film.”


Lucinda Sanford

Founder Of Lucinda Sanford

“I find the build up to Christmas is always crazy – three schools and three children means a lot of commitments. But, by Christmas Eve, my house is decorated and the children, my husband and I are all home. Nothing is lovelier then being at home together with nowhere to be. The house really comes into its own at Christmas – our dark red sitting room is magical with the tree and lit candles. That evening for supper, we normally have something simple, like smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, with some delicious bread and butter. We are nearly at the stage when we all eat the same thing now, but in reality my five-year-old will probably ask for pasta and cheese. We all try to agree on one film and watch it – then it’s bedtime persuasion…

“Christmas Day timings change a little each year as it depends on where we will be, but often we go to my family in London, so it’s a very leisurely morning of stockings at home and then on to Chelsea Old Church. After that we head straight to my parents in Primrose Hill – it’s a true family house as my grandparents lived there before.”


House Nine x Rebecca Udall

Jojo Barr

Founder Of House Nine

“My approach to Christmas decorating is understated, inviting and timeless. I believe in creating a scheme where the same decorations can be brought out year after year, each time evoking memories of Christmases past. Burgundy is my favourite shade this year – it’s rich, elegant and timeless. I also love incorporating biophilic elements like hops, berries and natural textures to bring a touch of the outdoors in during these colder months. This year, I’m really excited about the table. I’ve incorporated some beautiful pieces from Rebecca Udall, including burgundy candles, fine crystal glassware and striped table linens. 

“I'm a firm believer that the lead-up to Christmas is as special – if not more so – than the day itself. Having little ones involved really brings the magic of Christmas alive. Our tree doesn't go up until the 1st of December. Although I like to maintain some control over the situation, I let the kids go wild on the tree, then I'll tweak it once they've gone to bed. It’s become their favourite tradition, along with having their own mini tree in their bedrooms.

“Christmas Eve is a mix of tidying, prep and downtime. My husband is in charge of Christmas Eve presents (usually new pyjamas) and the stockings are left hanging on the mantlepiece for the kids to find first thing in the morning. It's been so exciting to bring out our own House Nine stockings – this year all the proceeds will go towards supporting the Furnishing Futures charity. 

“Christmas morning is a slow and lazy, with stockings opened in bed together. Once I’ve set the table ready for lunch, we kick off the day with a walk to the top of the hill in Turville, joined by our local pals and all the kids. Gathering at the bottom of the hill, bottles in hand, we toast at the summit to the day ahead. Since moving to the country four years ago, this has become a cherished tradition and the perfect way to begin the festivities. From there, it’s a stop at our favourite local pub before the walk back home.

“My parents always come and stay with us for a few days. My mum and I share the cooking, while dad manages the wine – we always opt for a slow-cooked leg of lamb over a turkey. Christmas tunes play on repeat in the background, and I’ve been taking piano lessons this year with my oldest, Ziggy, so they might get a rusty rendition. The day is all about spending quality time with family, playing games, eating far too much, drinking far too much, and then usually nodding off in front of an old film.”


Laura Stephens

Founder Of Laura Stephens Interior Design

“Christmas preparations kick off with a team wreath-making activity. At the crack of dawn, we go to New Covent Garden Market to pick up foliage and ribbons to make our own wreaths and assemble them back at the studio with mince pies, mulled wine and Frank Sinatra’s Christmas songs in the background. 

“It’s also an annual tradition that I take my daughters to see the lights on Regent Street and pick up one or two baubles for the tree. I also add to our existing decorations by buying vintage or antique inspired baubles. 

“We love to go to Fortnum & Mason for gifts and decorations  – this year I have my eye on these gorgeous embroidered decorations. Stockings are hung over the mantlepiece and these are the prettiest I’ve found. Last year, I added dried hydrangeas to my mantle garland and love the added element of colour.

“Scent is so important and this ‘Winter’ candle from Connock encapsulates the essence of Christmas. A lovely tradition we have is burning a simple advent candle  at the dinner table.

“Instead of giving gifts to each other, my husband and I choose a special restaurant to have a long and rare lunch for just the two of us. Last year we had the most wonderful meal at 64 Goodge St and this year we have booked Mary’s.”


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