How A Wellness Entrepreneur Keeps Her Health On Track
How A Wellness Entrepreneur Keeps Her Health On Track

How A Wellness Entrepreneur Keeps Her Health On Track

Whether it’s through body brushing, boxing, forest bathing or getting her daily dose of lactoferrin – an ingredient that protects the body against bacteria and viruses – protecting her immune system and overall health is a priority for Stephanie Drax. Here’s how the Leapfrog Remedies founder stays on track…
By Tor West

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I start every morning with a gentle stretch. If I don’t do this first thing – even for five minutes –it’ll never get done. I then do a vigorous body brush in the bathroom – Balance Me’s brushes are great. Bacteria, toxins and waste from our blood filter through the lymph nodes and, as many of the lymph vessels run below the skin, brushing can help remove pathogens and strengthen the immune system. With a heady blend of essential oils that also have anti-microbial properties, Olverum’s body cleanser is the ultimate morning pick-me-up. They carry on the steam into your respiratory tract, which is especially useful if you’re coming down with a virus. 

Cold water exposure is great for stress and immunity. I always finish my shower with a 60 second blast of cold water, which I swear by for boosting my white blood cell count – these are what protect us against disease. Dr Susanna Søberg writes frequently on what cold exposure does for stress, immunity, resilience and weight control. The more we expose ourselves to cold water the more brown fat cells we create, and these clever cells speed up our metabolism and burn calories. If you want to take the plunge with an expert, check out Anna Gough who does a one-day retreat that focuses on contrast therapy – ice baths and infrared sauna. The mental challenge of embracing cold water is immense.

Breakfast always features healthy fats. My go-to is a bowl of fresh berries with full-fat Greek yoghurt, nuts, a sprinkling of chia and hemp seeds and a teaspoon of Manilife peanut butter or maple syrup (that’s the Canadian in me). I love tea, but it has to be Dilmah, an ethical Sri Lankan tea company. On the weekend, I go savoury with scrambled eggs on sourdough and thin slices of comté cheese hiding between the two. Sunday is the day for coffee and croissants, and I haven’t found better pastries than those from Suzette in Battersea – the dough comes in from Paris.

I don’t go anywhere without Leapfrog Immune – if anyone coughs or splutters near me (especially on the plane), I’ll dive into my bag for a chewable tablet. The formula contains a protein called lactoferrin that prevents viruses from entering healthy cells (and our bodies make lactoferrin daily, so supplementing helps to see off any colds or the flu). It’s also the key ingredient in mother’s milk that gives a baby good immunity and can be extracted from cow’s milk with the same powerful effect. If I feel like I’m coming down with something, I take an Immune, have a hot drink of manuka honey, lemon and water, and go to bed early – I often wake up the next day and the symptoms have disappeared.

Amino acids and keratin are great for hair loss. I take Pantogar religiously – it contains a unique combination of ingredients that provide the hair roots with a variety of nutrients that play a key role in forming new hair cells. After giving birth, I lost a lot of hair, and since taking this German formulation I’ve had so much growing back that even my hairdresser is amazed! 

@LeapFrog; @Olverum

I USED TO AVOID DAIRY, but since working with lactoferrin I now have an appreciation for what an EXTRAORDINARY COCKTAIL OF NUTRIENTS milk is.

I love a healthy drink. I’m currently obsessed with Phyto Nectars – its powders contain mind-sharpening mushrooms and plant extracts. Mixed with warm milk or water, it makes the perfect 11am drink. I also take Ancient + Brave Cacao + Collagen religiously for the skin benefits – I make it with organic, full-fat milk. I used to avoid dairy, but since working with lactoferrin I now have an appreciation for what an extraordinary cocktail of nutrients milk is. 

Omega-3 fats are good for brain health. My go-to lunch is tomatoes and avocado on sourdough with a scoop of Hurly Burly organic raw sauerkraut with either poached salmon or smoked mackerel. I’m conscious of getting my weekly quota of omega-3 fats – they’re important for the brain. I also love the viral egg tortilla hack – it’s the perfect lunch, especially when stuffed with avocado for an additional dose of healthy fats. 

Amelia Freer’s salads are weekly staples. On weekday evenings, you’ll find me making one of her recipes – they’re simple and virtuous, yet delicious. On the weekends, it’s a Sunday roast at The Phene or a Sticks‘n’Sushi feast with the family. I’ve done my level two wine exam and am at the start of becoming a connoisseur, so I do enjoy drinking wine. Happily, the polyphenols in red wine increase the diversity of the gut microbiota, but whatever the colour, it has to be high quality. Though I don’t drink every day, I always have Le Serre Nuove and Journey’s End Destination Chardonnay in the wine fridge.



I’d always choose savoury over sweet. The one exception is Ottolenghi’s chocolate cake. In a miraculous culinary feat, it’s both a cake and mousse in one and is arguably the best chocolate cake on the planet. I buy it and keep slices in the freezer – when it thaws it’s as good as the day it was baked. I don’t deprive myself of anything when it comes to food. I denied myself foods that I thought weren’t healthy in my 20s and was vegetarian for 13 years (even during a stint in Argentina), but by the time I hit 40 I realised what was healthiest was a happy relationship with food. If it’s something indulgent I’ll apply my regret/reward ratio – is it worth having for the sheer pleasure? I cook with love and eat with my heart.

Relationships are the antidote to stress. Running a business can be all-consuming, but I prioritise quality time with family and friends. Research shows that the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our life – it’s a predictor of health and lifespan. I love meeting friends for dinner. I love the homespun aesthetic of Jikoni in Marylebone and the surprising medley of flavours inspired by Ravinder Boghal’s mixed heritage. Chicama is a cool Peruvian jewel in Chelsea with killer Pisco sours. If I can get to the Dorset coast, then Shell Bay is as good as it gets: the best Dover sole with a 180° sea view.

SLEEP is when the body repairs cells, restores energy, rids itself of toxic waste in the brain and FINE-TUNES HORMONES.


Exercise gives me strength and mental balance. I’ll do a Caroline Circuits class three times a week – she’s all about charging the muscles and bones, but also mood and the brain. I can see and feel the difference since doing her workouts. Once a week, I’ll head to a local boxing ring to train – it’s sweaty, shouty and gruelling but I love it, and there’s the bonus of learning self-defence. I’ve recently fallen for Heartcore reformer Pilates, too – the studio in Chelsea smells like lavender and looks like a trendy New York loft apartment. 

Sleep is the cornerstone of good health and immunity. It’s when the body repairs its cells, restores its energy, rids itself of toxic waste in the brain and fine-tunes its hormone levels. I’m normally a good sleeper, but if I’m frazzled at the end of the day and can’t switch off, I’ll take a Leapfrog Snooze or two. The lactium within it contains the same peptide that makes a baby serene and content after feeding on milk. It reduces cortisol, increases the flow of the calming neurotransmitter GABA. I make sure I keep the bedroom window open, too, as reducing your body temperature even by one degree can aid a deeper sleep.

Your oral health matters more than you think. If your body is fighting infection in your mouth, then your immune system is compromised, and there’s science linking gum disease to Alzheimer’s later in life. I floss and use a Tepe brush every evening. 

Forest bathing can reduce blood pressure. Getting into green spaces helps to counter a roll call of physical and mental diseases. Not only does it reduce blood pressure and cortisol, but studies have found that the phytoncides – chemicals released by plants and trees – can supercharge the immune system. The effect on my mental state is profound and I aim for ten hours of walking in woodland per month. I also swear by reflexology and foot massage at the Haybarn Spa at The Berkeley – their therapists work wonders.

For more from Stephanie & Leapfrog, visit


DISCLAIMER: Features published by SheerLuxe are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your GP or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programme.

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