Beyoncé’s Make-Up Artist Shares His Ultimate Beauty Rules

Down Tools
I don’t like to use foundation brushes as I often find the finish doesn’t look as seamless. Instead, I use Beauty Blenders, they give the complexion a second-skin glow. They’re also a great eraser tool when you’ve had a make-up mishap with liner or mascara – just use the foundation-soaked blender to dab over any smudges or smears.
Glue Hack
A little bit of Pritt Stick (yes, really) is the best brow gel in the world, especially if you have sparse, over plucked brows. It gives you the perfect base for fake hair strokes, allowing you to draw, brush or pencil them in on top. It also lasts for hours on end, so the brows you’ve created will stay put.
Lip Rules
I always get asked what shades suit what complexions, I really think everyone should play and experiment with colour. But as a general guide, orange-red lipsticks wake up a complexion, perfect for tans and freshening up dull skin, while blue-based reds make your teeth whiter and are pretty suits-all.
Smudge Prevention
Ever find your mascara hits your lids? Use your finger to lift your lid and lashes, then go in with your wand. Not only will this get colour right into the root to give more depth, it will also allow any excess to land on your finger instead, so it acts like a protective barrier.
Highlight Right
When you use a highlighter, you don’t want anything shimmery at the front of your cheek (where the apple is). This is where our pores are, and it makes everything look greasy and flat. Instead, try illuminating the sides of the temples and under the eyes, at the top of your cheekbones, it’s all about being strategic with highlighter. You can also take it down the bridge of the nose, but don’t apply it to the tip. A little tapped on top of the eyes is nice too for some added texture. Another trick is never going for a product that has large particles, it just ends up looking theatrical, so opt for ones with are creamier. Sometimes, SPF is the prettiest highlighter you can use, it has a beautiful glistening effect that’s flattering for everyone.
Double Up
I always say that no one should have just one foundation in 2019. If you can, try to have two that you can rotate with for summer and winter. As well, when matching it to your skin tone, it needs to be your shade of course, but don’t be afraid to go a shade deeper, especially if you have a tan or are going on a night out. I am the same about concealer, keep one that’s light and one that’s a bit deeper in case you need to tone up or down.
Powder Like A Pro
If you want to set your eye concealer so you don’t get wrinkling of product, use loose powder, never pressed power. The latter is too heavy and dry, it will end up ageing you. But with a loose one, you can just use it with a brush to go in with a dusting to keep anything from slipping. I never really recommend powder though, you only need it to set the T-zone, nothing else.
Get Light Right
Lighting is everything. Look at your room, or wherever you’re getting dressed every day and check what the daylight is like. You should really be applying your make-up by windows or anywhere that’s bright ideally as this will give you the best idea of what coverage you have and where you need to pare back or carry on.
Ace Your Base
Before I apply foundation, I make sure the skin is already wet with moisturiser or serum. It just makes your base adhere much better and in a organic, fresh way. It looks more believable and is what I call aspirational skin.
Boost Circulation
Try using a jade roller over your face a few times a week when you go about your usual skincare regime, it will increase blood flow which is exactly what you need for a radiant complexion. It will give skin the same reddish, healthy flush that exercise gives skin – but the good type, not the sweaty one!
Make-Up That Lasts
People are forever asking me how they can make their make-up last all day. The secret to long-wear is to use oily, waxy textures. So cream blushes, cream bronzers – you don’t want anything that’s going to powder up and cake, never a good look. Plus, nothing is as pretty as a cream blush. Wherever you have the most volume when you smile is ‘the apple’ and that’s exactly where you should be using blush to warm your face up.
Primed Perfection
I do use eyeshadow primers, but I’d never go for ones that are in shades like light, medium or dark. I like an invisible formula. The exception though is if you’re doing a bronze, smoky eye – then I would opt for a bronze primer first and pack the shadow on top as it will add more impact and of course, last longer too.
Embrace Your Skin
You’ll think I sound crazy, but I quite like seeing a bit of dark circle here and there. It’s very modern and very of the moment, especially paired with a red lip. There’s nothing wrong with seeing a bit of texture in the skin, it’s 2019, we do not need to lacquer absolutely everything.
Brush Concealer On
People always want to wipe on their concealer with their fingers, but don’t, it makes me cringe as it delivers too much pigment. Instead, use a big, fluffy brush. This will give you better graduation of colour, especially if you hold the brush as far away from the tip as you can while you apply it, this gives more fluidity. If you do want to use your hands, apply concealer with your ring finger – it’s the weakest which means you have gentler application.
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