8 New Books To Read This Month

The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont
Agatha Christie’s world is one of glamorous society parties, country house weekends and growing literary fame. Nan O’Dea’s world is something very different. Her attempts to escape a tough London upbringing during WWI led to a life in Ireland marred by a hidden tragedy. After fighting her way back to England, she’s set her sights on notorious crime writer Agatha. Because Agatha has something Nan wants – and not just her husband. Despite their differences, the two women will become the most unlikely of allies. And during the mysterious 11 days that Agatha goes missing in 1926, they will unravel a dark secret only Nan holds the key to. A must-read for crime fiction fans.
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Again, Rachel by Marian Keyes
We can’t wait for Marian Keyes’ newest deep dive back into the lovable Walsh family. Twenty-five years after the era-defining bestseller Rachel's Holiday burst onto the scene, Rachel's back. In the 90s, she was a mess, but a spell in rehab transformed everything. Life became very good, very quickly. These days, Rachel has love, family, a great job as an addiction counsellor – she even gardens. Her only bad habit is a fondness for expensive trainers. But with the sudden reappearance of a man she once loved, her life wobbles. She'd thought she was settled – is she about to discover that everything can change at any age?
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A Terrible Kindness by Jo Browning Wroe
Nineteen-year-old William Lavery is dressed for success at his first black-tie do. It’s the Midlands Chapter of the Institute of Embalmers Ladies’ Night Dinner Dance, and he is taking Gloria. He can’t believe his luck. But as the guests sip their drinks and smoke their post-dinner cigarettes, a telegram delivers news of a tragedy. It is October 1966 and a landslide at a coal mine has buried a school: Aberfan. William decides he must act and volunteers to attend. It will be his first job, and will be – although he’s yet to know it – a choice that threatens his own happiness. His work that night will force him to think about the little boy he was, and the losses he has worked so hard to bury. A moving read about the importance of love and kindness.
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In the Seeing Hands of Others by Nat Ogle
This original, provocative debut tells the story of a contentious trial. A novel formed of documents and evidence, Nat Ogle’s book brings together a blog of a nurse on a dialysis ward attempting to live in the aftermath of bringing a rape trial to court in which the defendant was exonerated. There are the transcripts of the police interviews with her, and the accused, the emails and texts between them submitted for trial, plus his journal, his conversations on 4chan, his drama scripts. How will the nurse, Corina, ever get him out of her head? Handling its difficult subject matter with grace and striking insight, Ogle’s multi-viewpoint novel is a revealing meditation on trauma, care and the limits of empathy.
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Hare House by Sally Hinchcliffe
In the first brisk days of autumn, a woman arrives in Scotland having left her job at an all-girls school in London in mysterious circumstances. Moving into a cottage on the remote estate of Hare House, she begins to explore the hills, moorland and forests of her new home. But among the tiny roads, dykes and scattered houses, something more sinister lurks: local tales of witchcraft, clay figures and young men sent mad. Striking up a friendship with her landlord, Grant, and his younger sister, Cass, she begins to suspect that all might not be quite as it seems at Hare House. And as autumn turns to winter, and a heavy snowfall traps the inhabitants of the estate within its walls, tensions begin to rise to fever pitch.
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Send Nudes by Saba Sams
In ten stories, Saba Sams dives into the world of girlhood and immerses readers in its contradictions and complexities: growing up too quickly, yet not quickly enough; taking possession of what one can, while being taken possession of; succumbing to societal pressure but also orchestrating that pressure. These young women are feral yet attentive, fierce yet vulnerable, exploited yet exploitative. Threading between clubs at closing time, pub toilets, drenched music festivals and beach holidays, these unforgettable short stories deftly chart growing up – the intense friendships, ambivalent mothers, uneasily blended families, and learning to truly live in your own body. With originality and tenderness, Send Nudes celebrates the small victories in a world that tries to claim each young woman as its own.
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New Animal by Ella Baxter
Amelia is no stranger to sex and death. Her job in her family’s funeral parlour, doing make-up on the dead, might be unusual but she’s good at it. Life and warmth comes from the men she meets online. But when a sudden loss severs her ties with someone she loves, Amelia sets off on a 72-hour mission to outrun her grief – skipping out on the funeral, running away to stay with her father in Tasmania and experimenting on the local BDSM scene. There she learns more about sex, death, grief, and the different ways pain works its way through the body. It turns out it will take two fathers, a bruising encounter with a stranger and recognition of her own body’s limits to bring Amelia back to herself.
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12 Hours To Say I Love You by Olivia Poulet & Laurence Dobiesz
Pippa Gallagher is rushed to hospital following a traffic accident. As she lies unconscious, fragments of the past flash through her mind. The day she met Steve Gallagher, the man who would become the love of her life. The heartbreak she felt tonight as she got into her car, her eyes blurry from tears. Meanwhile Steve sits at her bedside, his eyes fixed on her pale, still face. He has no idea where his wife was going when she crashed. No clue as to why she became distracted behind the wheel. All he knows is that she is his world. And that he wasn’t there when she needed him most. For the next 12 hours, Steve tells Pippa all the reasons he loves her. But is it too late?
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