The SheerLuxe Guide To Tube Etiquette

The SheerLuxe Guide To Tube Etiquette

Whether you’re a London Underground newbie or a total veteran, we could all do with a tube etiquette refresher course. Read on for SL’s official guide to getting about and not riling fellow commuters in the process.

DO: Have Your Oyster Or Contactless Ready

If you’re the kind of person who holds everyone up at the barriers, we hope you can sleep at night knowing everyone hates you. And another tip: you don’t have to wait for the barriers to close before you can tap your card – as soon as the light goes amber, just slide on through.

DON’T: Shove, Elbow Or Push People

Yes, you’re in a rush. We’re all in a rush. And none of signed up to be body-slammed at eight in the morning by someone twice our size trying to tap into the barriers first.

DO: Stand On The Right, Walk On The Left

On the escalators, that is. Defy this unwritten law and prepare to feel the wrath of some seriously pissed off Londoners.

DON’T: Squeeze On The Tube If There’s Really No Room

Even if you’re really late for work. Chances are, so is the person whose ribs you’ve just crushed and the train full of people who you’re now making later thanks to your giant rucksack blocking the doors. Just leave five minutes earlier.

DO: Take Off Your Rucksack

On the subject of rucksacks, if you’re on a crowded train just take it off and hold it down by your feet – it’s taking up the room of a whole other person and most probably whacking someone in the face every time the train jolts.

DON’T: Get On Before People Are Finished Getting Off

It’s just polite, and there’s nothing worse than trying to exit a carriage only to be met by a barrage of people shoving you back in. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

DO: Move Down Inside The Carriage

See all that empty space? Please move into it so other people can get on the train. Or if you’re getting off at the next stop, at least make way for someone else to move into it.

DON’T: Think You Can ‘Balance’ The Whole Way

Tubes are gross and we all hate touching the poles, but no matter how good your train ‘surfing’ skills are, there’s bound to be some abrupt stops and bumps you haven’t accounted for – most likely ones that will leave you flying into someone else. Have a hand ready just in case.

DO: Give Up Your Seat For Those Who Need It

If someone’s wearing a badge, you should offer before they have to ask – especially if you’re sitting in the ‘priority’ seats. And no, avoiding eye contact doesn’t get you out of it.

DON’T: Leave Newspapers & Magazines On The Floor

No one wants to trip over them or sit on a pile of them. Take them with you, and put them in the recycling bin.

DO: Report Harassment

While it shouldn’t be up to victims to end harassment, if you see someone being assaulted or abused – whether sexually, verbally or physically – on the tube, there’s a number you can report the perpetrator to. Text 61016 to anonymously alert the police to someone potentially in danger, or to your own experience of violence or unwanted sexual behaviour.

DON’T: Be An Absolute Nuisance

Whether it’s blasting music so loud people can hear it through your headphones, or eating smelly fast food, have some common decency and don’t make your fellow passengers’ lives a misery. Commuting is hellish enough as it is.

DO: Help People With Buggies

Whether it’s a pram or a giant suitcase, if you see someone struggling it’s always nice to offer some help. Pay it forward and you may just not get hit in the face by a rouge rucksack tomorrow (here’s hoping).

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