Rinse the black rice a few times, then bring to the boil in a large pan of water. Cook until al dente following the packet instructions. Once cooked, rinse well to remove the excess colour. Set aside for a moment and leave to cool.
Slice the cucumber lengthways, then scrape out the seeds and chop into 1/2 cm pieces. Chop the apple into similarly sized small pieces. Add the cucumber, apple and shallot to a serving bowl with a squeeze of lemon juice to keep the apple fresh. Add the cooked and cooled black rice, dill, parsley and mint (if using). Flake in the salmon pieces and mix gently to combine everything together.
Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a small bowl and season to taste. Pour the dressing over the salad and stir. Do adjust the seasoning once you have done this – it may need more lemon juice or even a squeeze of lime (this depends on the saltiness of the fish and the sweetness of the apple you've used).
Recipe courtesy of ScandiKitchen Summer by Brontë Aurell, photography by Peter Cassidy (Ryland Peters & Small, £16.99)
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