Food Maths: Frozen Raspberries
HERO INGREDIENT: 1 bag of frozen raspberries

Four Rs Salad
200g of frozen raspberries
300-400g of roast beetroot or ready-to-eat steamed beetroot
125g of ricotta or goat’s cheese
100g of rocket
50g of walnuts, chopped
10g of dill, finely chopped
For the dressing:
Mix 1 part honey to 1 part olive oil, with Dijon mustard and a dash of wine vinegar.
If the beets aren’t cooked, preheat oven to 190°C. Bake the beets for approx. 1 hour.
Slice the cooked beets. Meanwhile, defrost the raspberries and blitz half in a blender with 200ml of the salad dressing.
Place the rocket on two plates. Scatter all other ingredients over, including the remaining raspberries.
Season with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Drizzle with the dressing.

Iced Berries And Dark Chocolate Swirl
300g of white chocolate buttons
300g of Cadbury’s chocolate buttons
600g of double cream
650g of frozen berries
In two separate pans, melt the different buttons and split the cream between them.
Pop the frozen raspberries into bowls or plates. Now pour the melted dark chocolate over each plate.
Gently swirl over the white chocolate.
Serve immediately.

Easy No Churn Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream
390g tin of Carnation condensed milk
500ml of double cream, whipped
200g of frozen raspberries
60g of icing sugar
Defrost the raspberries. Mix them with the sugar in the pan and simmer gently until they are reduced. Blend if you want a smooth consistency or keep it textured.
Whisk the double cream into peaks. Fold the condensed milk into the double cream gently. Spoon it into an airtight container.
Pour the raspberry sauce on top and swirl into the mix with a knife or fork.
Place in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours before serving.
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