10 Women In Wellness Share Their Morning Rituals
10 Women In Wellness Share Their Morning Rituals

10 Women In Wellness Share Their Morning Rituals

Now the mornings are getting lighter, waking earlier and launching into the day on a positive note feels more achievable than it did in the depths of winter. We asked ten of the wellness world’s leading names how they do that…
By Tor west

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Le’Nise Brothers

Nutritional Therapist

“I’ve always wanted to be one of those people that gets up early but I recently decided to stop forcing it. I wake up naturally around 7am using an alarm with a gradual wake-up lamp for a less jarring start to the day. When we wake up, our brain is in a highly suggestible state and produces theta waves, which are important for processing information. So, before I look at my phone, I say a few positive affirmations and a prayer, then open my blinds for natural light exposure – a good way to manage cortisol levels. After a quick yoga or Peloton class, I make a nourishing breakfast with protein and fat to balance mood and energy, especially right before and during my period. I’m currently enjoying three-egg omelettes with sautéed veg, cheese and sliced avocado. On the weekend, I make a big batch of ginger, turmeric and lemon shots, and have one daily throughout the week, along with a NAC supplement, magnesium and a multivitamin.” 

Visit EatLoveMove.com

Natasha Evans

Fertility Nutritionist

“Morning light exposure is non-negotiable. Getting outside in the morning is one of the most important things you can do for better health – it primes your circadian rhythm and affects the optimal functioning of every cell in your body. I usually head out for a walk with a podcast, or if the sun’s out I’ll sit outside with a hot drink. Breakfast is high in protein and low in carbs to keep energy balanced – eggs, leftover veg from the night before and something fermented. I enjoy a homemade cortado mid-morning – I always drink coffee after breakfast to prevent anxiety and at least 90 minutes after waking so as not to interfere with the body’s natural waking-up system. I’ve trained myself out of the habit of checking social media and messages first thing as this negatively impacts my mood. Emails, Instagram and WhatsApp wait until I’m sat at my desk – it’s been a game-changer.”

Visit NENutrition.co.uk

Anna Mathur


“I’m a mum of three, so 7am marks the start of family rush hour. The best thing I do for myself is to start the day earlier. I wake up around 6am and lie in bed for a moment thinking about how I’d most like to spend my solo time. There have been periods in my life when I’d have a set routine every morning – I’d leap out of bed and do a sweaty workout. However, I’ve realised that I can better support and fuel myself for the day ahead when I choose activity based on what energy levels I have and how I’m feeling. If I’ve been up in the night with one of the children or feel rundown, I open our big attic window and breathe in the fresh air. I’ll then gently move my body – it could be a short yoga routine or a speedy workout on the indoor bike. If I’m feeling depleted, I’ll sneak off for an early morning bath. Whatever I choose to do, my rule is that it has to nourish me in some way for the day ahead. I finish with five minutes of guided meditation and a one-minute cold shower.”

Visit AnnaMathur.com

Dr Simoné Laubscher

Nutritionist & WelleCo Formulator

“At around 6am, I break my sleep fast with 500ml of my wellness water, which is full of electrolytes. I add the juice of one lemon, a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt, a thumb of grated ginger and one fresh cinnamon stick to two litres of water. I sip this throughout the day. Next, I embrace 15 minutes of mindfulness, which means I start my day calm and out of ‘fight or flight’ mode – this helps me respond, rather than react, to my day. I’m fortunate to spend much of my year in warm climates, such as the UAE or Australia, so after the school run I do a ‘nudie bake’ and spend 15 minutes in the sun naked, which boosts serotonin and vitamin D, and balances my hormones. Movement is also integral to my morning – it could be walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, Pilates or yoga. Most days, I finish off in my far infrared sauna (where I also check my emails) before an ice-cold shower.”

Visit WelleCo.co.uk

Anjali Mahto

Cosmetic Dermatologist

“As well as being a dermatologist, I teach yoga, and try to practise what I preach. I avoid looking at my phone first thing and instead take five minutes to meditate and stretch. It’s then time for a shower, skincare and make-up. My skincare is purposely simple as I have an ongoing battle with acne – I use a lot of salicylic acid. On my way to Marylebone to my clinic, Self London, I stop for breakfast, which tends to be something protein based and a coffee – a cappuccino with cow’s milk is my order. There’s been a huge rise in non-dairy alternatives over the years, but there is evidence to suggest foods with a high glycaemic index – including the ever-popular oat milk – can lead to an insulin spike, which can drive acne. Cow’s milk will keep your blood sugar more stable.”

Visit DrAnjaliMahto.co.uk

Lucy Miller

Nutritional Therapist

“I’ve always been an early riser, but I need a boost of caffeine to get going. Matcha is my go-to – as well as caffeine, it contains antioxidants and L-theanine, an amino acid that has calming properties. I follow this with a hot water and lemon to stimulate digestive enzymes and help detoxify the liver. Breakfast is usually organic jumbo oats cooked gently with almond milk and topped with lots of seeds and frozen berries for added fibre and phytonutrients. If it’s a particularly busy morning, I’ll make a smoothie – coconut water as a base, any green veggies I have in the fridge, frozen berries, fresh ginger and a scoop of Terra Nova Life Drink – alongside my supplements. I always take Cytoplan Women’s Wholefood Multivitamin and Bare Biology Omega-3. I don’t always have time to exercise after the school run and before starting work, but every Monday morning I play netball and try to get to the gym a few times a week, doing Pilates or a quick outdoor swim at Babington House.”

Visit LucyMillerNutrition.com

Marsha Lindsay

Creative Director Of Nobu Pilates

“I wake up around 6am and do ten minutes of red-light therapy with my LED face mask before heading to the kitchen to make a hot water with honey and apple cider vinegar. If my schedule permits, I start the day with a spin class – it never fails to boost endorphins and energy for the day ahead. I take my skincare seriously: I use a Foreo for a deep, post-workout cleanse, and after showering use the NuFace Mini facial toning device as well as an ice roller on my face and neck to get rid of any puffiness. I also swear by Dieux’s eye masks. Breakfast tends to be a smoothie – my go-to blend is a couple of scoops of Form Nutrition chocolate peanut protein powder, one banana, flaxseed, Almased, water and a splash of oat milk. If I’m not in a rush, I’ll hook myself up to my compression boots for ten minutes to aid lymphatic drainage while I get through my inbox.”  

Follow @PilatesByMarsha

Hannah Alderson


“I’m in the kitchen at 6.45am to let my whippet outside and get porridge on the hob for my little ones. I avoid looking at my phone this early – doing so can affect how your brain waves function in the morning, which can lead to stress and anxiety. Instead, I put on some music and make a non-caffeinated herbal tea, usually with a citrus twist. Breakfast is typically a protein-rich smoothie or a cacao chia seed pudding with fresh berries, yoghurt and nut butter. When time is on my side, my go-to is a two-egg omelette with edamame beans and avocado. When time goes the other way, it’s an organic oat cake with a teaspoon of nut butter pre-school run – I have something bigger on my return. I never leave the house on an empty stomach – this keeps my nervous system balanced. After the school run I grab a black coffee and take the dog for either a walk or run, depending on my mood. If I run, I finish off with ten minutes of weight training at home.”

Visit HannahAlderson.com

Kim Pearson


“I live between London and Ibiza but am currently spending more time in Ibiza. The first thing I do when I wake up is let my dog into the garden. I go out with her barefoot and take some time to ground – there are so many proven health benefits to grounding. Three days a week I train with a PT and go for a cold dip in the pool afterwards. On the days I don’t have a session, I take Lily for a longer walk along the seafront and, if I have time, I’ll go for a swim in the sea. I love my D-Robe – it’s perfect for a sea walk and swim in the cooler months. For around three weeks of the month, I fast until 11am. As is the case for many women, during the later stages of my luteal phase, my appetite increases, so I eat earlier, and will often have grass-fed organic beef or venison with greens for breakfast. I crave red meat at this time of the month. I take supplements with my breakfast, although what I take changes throughout the year following tests to spot deficiencies. I am currently taking omega-3, liposomal glutathione, a liposomal vitamin B complex, vitamin D with K2 and NuZest Good Green Vitality, a nutrient-rich green powder.”

Visit Kim-Pearson.com

Jess Shand

Naturopathic Nutritionist

“I lay my Pilates mat and workout clothes out the night before so when my alarm goes off at 5.45am, I’m ready to go. Some mornings I only have time for a 15-minute workout, other days it’s 45 minutes, or I’ll skip it altogether and let myself sleep for longer. For me, routine is a joy, not a set of rules, so I listen to what my body wants and act accordingly. After Pilates, I make a ginger and lemon tea with a dash of cold water so I can drink it straight away, and take it upstairs to shower before getting my son ready. We have breakfast together – usually almond butter porridge with berries and seeds – then walk to nursery. Fresh air in the morning is heaven and a non-negotiable in my morning.”

Visit EatNourishAndGlow.com

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