7 Proven Benefits Of Green Tea

7 Proven Benefits Of Green Tea

With anti-ageing properties and energy-boosting benefits, green tea is one of the healthiest herbal drinks on the market. Whether you’re in need of a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, a pre-workout lift, or something to keep your concentration levels up, we guarantee a daily cup will give you the boost you need. Discover its seven impressive benefits here…

1. Increases Weight Loss

Green tea’s metabolism-boosting qualities have long been confirmed, with nutritionist’s often recommending it as a useful tool for weight loss. This is all thanks to green teas mesonutrient, EGCG, which provides a hefty dose of antioxidants that work to break down fat at a cellular level, while supporting a healthy and balanced metabolism. Karen Cummings-Palmer, Nutritionist and Founder of 79 Lux, recommends drinking a cup before your workout to further enhance fat-burning abilities.

2. Boosts Brain Function

Before reaching for coffee when the 3pm slump hits, instead consider brewing a green tea. It contains key stimulants like caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, all of which are proven by experts to boost brain focus and improve mood. That’s not even mentioning the inclusion of calming L-theanine, which is known for its relaxing effects on the nervous system. Combine all those ingredients together and your deadlines don’t stand a chance.

3. Encourages Clearer Skin

Packed full of vitamin B2 and E, green tea plays an essential part in skin health and maintenance. Both work to boost collagen levels and support new skin cell growth, which in turn, reduces free-radical damage to the skin. Then you have its anti-inflammatory properties, which not only help mitigate environmental damage, but relieves symptoms of psoriasis and eczema too, by reducing irritation. Their high levels of polyphenols also work to damage bacterial membranes, so it’s worth taking a sip if you’re trying to battle an incoming spot.

4. Reduces Risk Of Disease

Numerous studies have shown that regular green tea drinkers have a much lower incidence of certain diseases. Nutritionist Dina Khader recently confirmed this after stating that those who consumed four to six cups a day had a decreased rate of bladder, kidney, liver, prostate, stomach and breast cancer, compared to those who didn’t drink any. She also stated that green tea inhibits the production of platelet activity factors (a cause of blood clumping), which in turn, can reduce the risk of heart attacks. It’s worth noting however that many GP’s say there’s still a lot of research needed to confirm these specific health claims.

5. Provides Less Caffeine

While green tea still contains caffeine, it has significantly less (roughly half) than your normal cup of tea or coffee per cup. This makes it a great option for anyone who is sensitive to the effects caffeine can cause the central nervous system. Think jitters, increased alertness and feeling anxious or on edge. It’s also key to ensure your making it correctly with Japanese tea experts claiming how you make it can also affect its health benefits. Their top rule? Where possible, drink leafy green tea over mass produced tea bags, and always use boiling water, pouring it directly onto the leaves to reap its health-boosting effects. Finally, it’s recommended you drink it without any food to achieve maximum absorption of nutrients.

6. Boosts Bone Strength

While this is a relatively new claim with further studies still needed, current research shows that green tea has the potential to help keep your bones stronger as you age. Its inclusion of quercetin (a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant) also makes it a possible antidote to the aches and pains that come with rheumatoid arthritis, and also achy joints. Well worth a try for a natural, home remedy.

7. Keeps Blood Sugar Balanced

Green tea has been shown to help maintain blood sugar at moderate levels. Human studies have shown that green tea can actually lower and maintain blood sugar levels in patients living with Type 2 diabetes over time. This is because of the polyphenols inside, which are known for their anti-oxidative properties, working to protect against inflammation and carcinogens.

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