Sarah Ann Macklin: My Food & Fitness Regime

Sarah Ann Macklin: My Food & Fitness Regime

From getting the low-down on how they work out, to discovering how they maintain balance in their diet, here’s the latest instalment in our series where we ask industry experts to share the ins and outs of their weekly food and fitness regimes. We discover exactly what powers these power players…

Sarah Ann Macklin is a model on a mission. After 12 years modelling for brands including Burberry and Dolce & Gabbana, she retrained as a nutritionist and set up the Be Well Collective, a charitable initiative aiming to bring nutritional education and mental health support to models and members of the fashion industry. Based on Harley Street, Sarah Ann is a staunch advocate of teaching the importance of nutrition, and how it can positively impact your life. Here, she tells us what an average day-in-the-life looks like, as well as how she keeps her mind and body healthy… 

From the minute I wake up, I prioritise nutrition. I always start my day with a large glass of water and herbal tea. Half an hour later, I’ll have a black coffee and if I’m not going to the gym, I’ll make some porridge. I find a big bowl of warm porridge so nourishing, and it’s also a great way to pack in nutrition – I stir in Haskapa powder, which contains three times more antioxidants than blueberries, and often sprinkle over bee pollen, rich in vitamin C, chia seeds, which are packed with omega-3s and chopped walnuts, which are packed with vitamin E. I tend not to take supplements and instead focus on making my meals as nutritionally rich as possible. The only supplement I do take is vitamin D, which we all need in winter.

I don’t always buy organic. I try to when I can, but it’s not always possible. Open my fridge and, without fail, you’ll always find green vegetables, oat milk, berries, hummus and dark chocolate.

I’ve been pescatarian for ten years. I cut meat out of my diet a decade ago when I was diagnosed with a health condition. Other than that, I eat pretty much everything apart from cheese, which I’ve never liked. I’m very wary of excluding major food groups – restriction in your diet can lead to deficiencies.

I eat a lot of fish. Freshly grilled salmon or seabass with a side of freekeh salad and lots of greens drizzled with olive oil is one of my go-to dinner staples. If I’m entertaining, I will often serve a huge fillet of John Dorey with roasted tomatoes and black olives, accompanied with a load of delicious vegetable sides – favourites include hassleback potatoes, tenderstem broccoli with tahini and sesame seed dressing, roasted fennel, carrots and slow-roasted peppers. However, I try to keep my weekdays as plant-based as possible.

I batch cook soup every weekend. My favourites include butternut squash and carrot soup, which I top with dukkah and coriander, as well as green soups – pea, lettuce and cucumber is an amazing combination. I often have soup for supper with some hummus and Danish rye bread, especially if I’ve had breakfast and lunch meetings.

Brunch is a weekend must. I love Granger & Co and La Lantana – poached eggs, smoked salmon and avocado on rye bread is my favourite. When it comes to dinner, I love Palmar, Duck Soup, St Johns (their turbot and sole is to die for), or Salon in Brixton Market. 

My guilty pleasure is granola – if I have some in the house, I can easily eat an entire box in a couple of days.

I’ve always been a runner. I used to run cross country when I was at school and have been running ever since. For me, it’s a great way to see a new city and also clear my mind. Running is one of the most positive forms of exercise because it’s free and you’re spending time in nature. I rarely travel without my running shoes. However, over the years I have realised the importance of making time for relaxation and try to do a yin yoga class when I can. 

I can’t live without dark chocolate. A few squares really satisfy my cravings. When it comes to snacks, I am also a huge fan of chia seed puddings made with oat milk, as well as hummus and oatcakes and full-fat organic yoghurt topped with nuts.

It’s all about moderation. My guilty pleasure is granola – if I have some in the house, I can easily eat an entire box in a couple of days. I don’t deprive myself of alcohol, either. I love an Argentinian Malbec or Bordeaux and will never say no to a skinny margarita with lots of salt.

It’s important to re-set your mind and body. A couple of times a year I’ll take myself off on a retreat to escape emails, social media and the busyness of daily life. I find reconnecting with nature and meditation hugely restorative. Giving your body this time to repair will reduce stress levels and allow you to reconnect with your creativity. I recently visited Vanna in the foothills of the Himalayas, which was incredible. 

I often struggle with my sleep. If I have a lot going on at work, it takes a while for my brain to switch off in the evening. I recently invested in a Neal’s Yard Oil Diffuser, which I use with doTERRA essential oils – these really help me to relax.

Don’t be afraid to take some time out. One thing I have learnt living in London is the importance of making time for myself. Even if that’s an evening of yoga and cooking supper for myself, it’s my space to relax and switch off. I always have the fear of missing out but am trying to teach myself it’s okay to stop, slow down and listen to my body. I often book myself a massage on a Sunday evening, too, and find this really helps with my back, which is prone to niggles from running. I am also a big fan of reflexology – my therapist has a miniature dachshund, which only adds to the relaxation. 

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