My Week On A Plate: Karen Koramshai

My Week On A Plate: Karen Koramshai

Cook, model and mum-of-three Karen Koramshai is an advocate for holistic, healthy living. Prior to being a model, she headed up the commercial team at ELLE Paris and now spends her days curating recipes for her clients as well as being on set at shoots for glossy magazines. On a mission to inspire people to live a more wholesome lifestyle with nutrient-dense, nourishing recipes, here’s an inside look at her weekly food diary…


BREAKFAST: It’s a busy morning getting all three of my children ready for school. I get up early and prepare a healthy breakfast so they are ready for the day. Today it’s my Green Goddess juice, which we all enjoy. It combines celery, cucumber, fennel, apple, lemon and ginger, meaning it’s packed with vitamins and minerals. I also take my supplements at breakfast – at the moment, I’m taking JS Health’s Hair and Energy range. I have a workout booked in this morning with my trainer Martin Bugaj. It’s a cardio session today, so I’ll have some eggs and toast afterwards to fuel me through the rest of the morning.

LUNCH: It was a manic morning so I ended up grazing instead of having a proper lunch, but fortunately I made a big batch of my Superfood Crave Busting Cookies over the weekend, so I have one of those and a banana. The cookies are one of my signature recipes – they are brimming with fruit, seeds, nuts and oats, all of which are great for curbing hunger and keeping you fuller for longer.

SUPPER: I didn’t sleep well last night (probably due to thinking about having to get the kids ready for school) so decided to have an early dinner. Eating earlier can help you sleep as it means you have more time to digest your food. Tonight, I have an organic chicken breast with asparagus, courgette and broccoli. I rarely eat meat but when I do it’s always organic – it usually contains around 50% more beneficial fatty acids.

Green Goddess Juice
Green Goddess Juice
Superfood Crave Busting Cookies
Superfood Crave Busting Cookies
Superfood Crave Busting Cookies
Superfood Crave Busting Cookies


BREAKFAST: I’m up early this morning, at around 5:30am. I start by having a mug of warm water with lemon and a celery juice, both of which are great options for detoxing the body. Having these first thing also helps to reduce inflammation and boosts digestion. After writing some morning mantras, I have breakfast. Today, it’s avocado and beetroot hummus on toast with poached eggs – a combination that’s packed with manganese, potassium, copper and iron. I have a cardio workout planned so wait a couple of hours for breakfast to digest before I start. I have some avocado left over and put this to one side so I can make a homemade face mask later. Avocado has incredible benefits for the skin when applied topically – it’s moisturising and can protect the skin from damaging UV rays. I have a modelling job later in the week so need to make sure I am feeling my best.

LUNCH: It’s a hectic morning shooting new recipes for my website, so I throw together a salad with leftovers from the fridge. Today it’s lettuce, pomegranate, halloumi, tomato and figs. I drizzle over some extra virgin olive oil, which has amazing anti-inflammatory benefits.

SUPPER: I was hungry this evening after a busy day but with a modelling job tomorrow, I want to make sure I don’t feel too full and bloated. I grill a tuna steak and serve this with kale. Kale can cause bloating, but I choose Tuscan kale, which is thinner and darker in colour. It’s also less fibrous, so the stomach can break it down more easily. If you remember, marinating it overnight in lemon juice can also help break down the fibre and make it more digestible. I crave something sweet after dinner but have a handful of almonds instead of something sugary.

Fresh Juice
Fresh Juice


BREAKFAST: I’m up early to head into London for my shoot. I start the day with a warm water with lemon followed by a black coffee. I then head to my yoga mat and do a gentle flow virtually with Laura Kate Brown. Breakfast is a bowl of gluten-free oats with oat milk, blueberries and some pumpkin and chia seeds. I also pack a banana and some mixed nuts in my bag to take on set with me.

LUNCH: It’s a full-on day but I make sure I take time to refuel. Lunch is some beetroot hummus and vegetable sticks, as well as the banana and nuts I packed earlier. Nuts contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, which can help increase energy production and decrease tiredness, which is ideal when I need to be on top form for a long shoot.

SUPPER: Tonight, my husband has cooked which is such a treat. He has made one of my favourite recipes – a tomato and fennel tart. I love puff-pastry but topping it with vegetables puts a healthier spin on the dish. It’s a gorgeous evening so we eat in the garden with the children and have a game of cards after dinner.

Tomato And Fennel Tart
Tomato And Fennel Tart
Beetroot Hummus And Vegetable Sticks
Beetroot Hummus And Vegetable Sticks
Tomato And Fennel Tart
Tomato And Fennel Tart


BREAKFAST: It’s a slower start to the day today after a busy start to the week. I wake around 7am and decide to make a smoothie for breakfast to pack in the nutrients. Today’s blend features oat milk, avocado, frozen mango, spinach leaves, maca powder, ground flaxseed and almond butter. The result is a delicious, creamy smoothie that’s packed with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and potassium. I have this alongside two poached eggs. I then journal and stretch before a weights session with Martin.

LUNCH: As it’s a calmer day and I don’t need as much energy, today is a light lunch – my spicy three greens soup. Even if I’m not overly hungry, I always try to have a mini meal to keep my blood sugar stable and to ensure a more efficient metabolism. 

SUPPER: As a family, we try to eat in season as much as possible. Asparagus is in season at the moment, so it’s an asparagus and pea risotto this evening. Asparagus is also a great ingredient to have in your fridge if you’ve been drinking the day before as it has the ability to break down toxins in the liver.

Asparagus And Green Pea Risotto
Asparagus And Green Pea Risotto
Creamy Smoothie Bowl
Creamy Smoothie Bowl


BREAKFAST: Today is my rest day from the gym, so I start the morning with a matcha tea, which is great for fat burning. I then have a bowl of gluten-free oats with oat milk and a selection of berries. 

LUNCH: I heat up a bowl of last night’s leftover risotto and enjoy eating this outside whilst reading a chapter of my new book, Exhale by Richie Bostock.

SUPPER: The kids always have different schedules on a Friday with various sporting activities and socialising with their friends, so it needs to be an easy dinner we can all help ourselves to when we’re ready to eat. I make black bean and tofu tacos, which go down a treat with the kids. Tofu is a great source of protein and contains all nine amino acids. It also contains magnesium, which supports a good night’s sleep. As it’s Friday night I like to enjoy a drink, but it’s a mocktail for me as I haven’t had a drink for ten years. I make a lemon thyme, cucumber and lime Verjuice mocktail – the perfect summer drink.

Black Bean And Tofu Tacos
Black Bean And Tofu Tacos
Gluten-Free Oats With A Selection Of Berries
Gluten-Free Oats With A Selection Of Berries
Black Bean And Tofu Tacos
Black Bean And Tofu Tacos


BREAKFAST: We all have breakfast together on a Saturday morning and this morning we make vegan blueberry pancakes. Late morning, I have a black coffee and do one of the Pilates classes from my IGTV workout series.

LUNCH: We are heading out for dinner later, so I grab a So Perf juice and bar. Their range is great for stabilising blood sugar levels, which is ideal when I don’t want to eat a big lunch. They have so many delicious flavours – my favourite is the wild berries and cashew nut bar, which contains cashews, chicory root fibre, oats, strawberries, flaxseeds, blueberries and probiotics. 

SUPPER: We have a reservation at Zuma this evening and I can’t wait – I’ve missed the buzz of a busy restaurant. We choose the sashimi moriawase, which contains seven different types of sashimi. When I cook most of the week, it feels like a treat to have dinner made for me.

Blueberry Pancakes
Blueberry Pancakes


BREAKFAST: I start the day with a warm honey and lemon. We have four beehives at home, which we collect honey from. Honey is the ultimate superfood – I eat it raw whenever possible as it has so many antibacterial and antiviral properties. I then go for a long swim which feels so refreshing after a late night. After my swim, I have some scrambled eggs and a black coffee.

LUNCH: I have plenty of time today, so make a whole roast cauliflower with a pistachio, mint and coriander pesto. My family were initially sceptical about giving up meat for a cauliflower, but they now love it. 

SUPPER: We eat late in the afternoon so for supper we have pudding. I made a vegan vanilla sponge cake earlier in the day, which we all enjoy together. Every Sunday evening, I sit down and do my food plan for the following week – this is a great way to reduce waste and means I’m more likely to commit to eating well.

Roast Cauliflower
Roast Cauliflower
Roast Cauliflower
Roast Cauliflower
Roast Cauliflower
Roast Cauliflower

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