Beauty Trend Forecaster Lisa Payne Shares Her Little Black Book

Beauty Trend Forecaster Lisa Payne Shares Her Little Black Book

Lisa Payne is always one step ahead of the rest of the beauty industry. Working as an editor and trend forecaster for Stylus, she knows the best niche brands to look out for, the latest innovation and treatments, as well as the launches worth the money. From the under-the-radar salon she loves to the products she buys on repeat, here’s an exclusive look at her little black book…

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.


For Hair Cut & Colour…

Radio on Redchurch Street in Shoreditch is my go-to. The stylists are so incredibly talented and their techniques are so varied. However, I’ve also been watching Tom Connell – the Hair Art director for Davines – for the last few months and what he is doing with light, colour and shape is extraordinary. So when things open up again, I’m making a beeline for him in Notting Hill


For Post-Lockdown Relaxation… 

Before lockdown, I went to an intuitive healing session at the Akasha spa in central London with a very talented visiting specialist Sinéad de Hóra. I had never been to something like this before but was curious about what to expect. This woman barely touched me during the semi-massage-reiki treatment, but by the end I was crying like a baby – she saw into my soul, understood me and worked my body to give it (and my mind) what it needed. The energy was felt all over and I was both centred and alert; I felt ready to take on the world. The effects lasted for weeks. It’s a pricey session, but absolutely worth it for the enormous sense of wellbeing you experience afterwards – we all need that right now. 




For Unusual Treatments…

I was once gifted a free hotbox session at The Greenwich Spa – it’s called an Iyashi Dome treatment. Essentially, it’s a furnace-like coffin-shaped box you roast in. In all honestly, it was quite uncomfortable, and I was ready to get out quite quickly as I couldn’t read or listen to anything. It’s definitely not for the fainthearted, but if you want to be dripping in sweat to get rid of toxins, give it a whirl. 


For Multi-Purpose Skincare… 

Weleda’s Skin Food earns constant hype – and for good reason. I’m obsessed with it because it does a bit of everything. I love anything that hydrates and plumps, so ingredients like hyaluronic and polyglutamic acid are my go-tos, as is collagen – I often use the Inkey List as they use these key ingredients a lot.

Skin Food Original, £8.25 | Weleda 

For Groomed Brows…

I just brush them up with a spoolie tool, then use black eyeliner to layer in a few flicks. I prefer liquid eyeliner to specific brow formulas as you can be much more precise.

Skinny Liquid Eyeliner, £16 | Eyeko

For Anti-Ageing…

My trusty NuFace Trinit device is the best thing I’ve spent money on recently. I can actively see the difference it has made to my skin, and I’m excited about its preventative effects over the next ten years. A friend also lent me her new LED mask from Current Body for a week and I was surprised how quickly and well it worked to smooth my skin tone. It’s next on my purchase list. I think topical skincare can only take you so far, but these devices deliver.

Trinity Facial Toning Device, £315 | NuFACE 

For Unwinding At Home…

I have Diptyque candles absolutely everywhere, but I also love Holistic London’s small but well scented candles. Lighting a candle is how I turn my office space back into my living room at the end of the day – I like a little meditation, too. I can’t recommend Olverum’s Bath Oil enough for proper relaxation.

Bath Oil, £36.50 | Olverum

For Unique Fragrances…

I have a few different ones depending on my mood. In the summer heat I love Atelier Cologne’s Orange Sanguine. It smells very realistic, like a juicy orange. If I want something for the evening, it’s always Une Amourette by Roland Mouret – it was, put simply, designed to smell like sex, so it’s very heady. A good everyday fragrance is also Glossier’s ‘You’. It just gives you a boost if you want to smell fresh and clean.

Cologne Orange Sanguine Cologne, From £55 | Atelier

For Online Shopping…

I always go to Curate Beauty – they are a new independent beauty brand wholesaler that aims to get new and exciting brands in front of interested retailers. Sam Freedman the CEO has a long history in beauty journalism and consulting, and she’s taken that passion forward to unearth great new brands and products. I love browsing the brands they work with and learning about the latest trends. 


For Glow-Giving Beauty…

The best products for a smooth, dewy complexion are ones that exfoliate, brighten and improve texture. There isn’t one product out there that does all those things as quickly and brilliantly as Sanctuary Spa’s 1 Minute Daily Glow Mask. It’s cheap as chips and really effective.

1 Minute Daily Glow Mask, £14 | Sanctuary Spa

For A Great Facial…

QMS and Seed to Skin Facials at Liberty are very good and the ones I really rely on. Both have product ranges that are excellent, too, and need more attention. I would also recommend Pietro Simone in London’s Kensington. He is a very intense Italian man who really knows his skincare. His facial includes a weird, but incredible signature technique he has of using organic cotton thread to remove debris and dead skin cells from your face. It doesn’t hurt, and I have never felt my skin as smooth as I did after his treatment. It was like my skin was reborn.

For Upcoming Trends…

I’ve been excited about the idea of brands commercialising the concept of ‘less’. It’s something that’s been bubbling up over the past year. The industry can be incredibly overwhelming, churning out hundreds of products each month, so it’s refreshing when you see brands putting out the message of: buy less, but better. No matter who you are, the idea of owning less, buying smarter and finding multi-functional products is attractive. Secondly, there is a move towards using mushrooms and other ‘smart’ ingredients to boost inner as well as outer wellbeing – this includes adaptogens. Finally, expect to see a triumphant return to hedonistic beauty exploits soon – think glitter and bursts of colour after months of minimalism.


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