9 Fresh Gazpacho Recipes To Try Now

Barbecued Gazpacho: Gizzi Erskine
First, concentrate the flavour of the veg and add an extra level of smoky charred flavour by BBQing them or popping them under the grill.
Place them directly on the hottest part of the BBQ for around 10 minutes (pop the lid on) and turn regularly with tongs, until all the skins are splitting and charred.
Remove from the BBQ and put into a blender with the cucumber, garlic, bread, mayo, basil, olive oil, sherry vinegar and blitz until smooth.
Push this through a fine sieve into another mixing bowl to achieve a completely smooth soup.
Repeat this process with the second half of the ingredients.
Check for seasoning, and place in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour so that it is thoroughly chilled.
When you’re ready to serve the gazpacho, ladle it into bowls. Top each bowl with a little mixture of the chopped vegetables and a good drizzle of olive oil.
Visit Hellmanns.com

Strawberry & Pepper Gazpacho: Alexandra Dudley
Ensure you have all your ingredients prepped.
Place all the ingredients into a blender and blitz until smooth.
Taste for seasoning (adding salt and pepper to your preference). Chill until ready to serve.
To serve, pour into glasses, bowls or ramekins.
Garnish with a drizzle of olive oil, freshly ground black pepper and chopped cucumber and strawberries.
Visit BerryGardens.co.uk

Summer Gazpacho With Beetroot Sorbet: Victor Garvey, Sola
Place all ingredients except the xanthan gum and olive oil in a container and let them marinate overnight.
Once rested, place them all in a blender and blend on high until smooth.
Pass through a fine mesh sieve, once and then return the filtered mix to the blender.
Add the xanthin gum and begin blending again on medium speed for 1 minute.
Once thickened, stream olive oil in while blending, as if making mayonnaise. This will give it a silky texture that coats the palate.
Once emulsified, reserve in a non-metal container and chill.
In each dish, place a spoonful of cucumber, a spoonful of red pepper and sprinkle with a few croutons and a spoonful of chives.
Top each mound of veg with a scoop of sorbet. Serve the gazpacho, very chilled at the table for people to help themselves.
Visit SolaSoho.com

Watercress Gazpacho With Manchego Croutons: Watercress.co.uk
Place all gazpacho ingredients in a large bowl. Season well with salt and pepper. Mix everything together, pressing down firmly to squeeze out the juices.
Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes or preferably overnight.
Put the mixture into a blender and blitz until smooth.
Check the consistency, adding more olive oil if the soup is too thick.
Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
Cover and refrigerate again until thoroughly chilled.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Make the croutons by thinly slicing the baguette.
Brush the slices with olive oil and sprinkle grated manchego or parmesan on top.
Bake for 6-8 minutes or until crisp and golden brown.
To serve, taste the gazpacho for a final time and adjust seasoning if necessary.
Sprinkle with some chopped watercress, drizzle with a little more olive oil and serve with the croutons on the side.
Visit Watercress.co.uk

Strawberry Gazpacho: Jose Pizarro, Jose Pizarro at the RA
In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients except the olive oil, sourdough and garnishes and leave to infuse overnight.
The next day, add the olive oil and whizz together with a hand blender or in a food processor until smooth, adding a splash of water if it’s too thick. Season to taste.
Pour a little olive oil into a frying pan over a medium heat and fry the sourdough croutons for 4-5 minutes, until golden. Drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with sea salt.
Divide the gazpacho between individual soup bowls and garnish with basil leaves, edible flowers and croutons.
Finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and some sea salt. Serve with a cold glass of sherry.
Visit RoyalAcademy.org.uk

Quick & Easy Gazpacho: Julie Montagu, Superfoods Superfast
Put all the ingredients, except for half the avocado, the olive oil and the chilli flakes, in a food processor or blender with 40ml of water.
Blend until fairly smooth and then add the olive oil.
Blend again until smooth, tasting to check the seasoning.
Blend again until smooth, tasting to check the seasoning.
Serve in bowls with the remaining avocado chopped and sprinkled on top, or in slices on the side, with the chilli flakes.
Visit Waterstones.com

Simple Chilled Gazpacho: David Pitchford, Reads Restaurant With Rooms
Quarter the vegetables and the sliced onion in a bowl with the bread, olive oil, vinegar, garlic and iced water.
Season with salt and finely milled white pepper. Cover the bowl and put it in the fridge for 2 hours to marinate.
Next take the tomatoes, peel the cucumber and cut it into slices, quarter and deseed the peppers and remove their stalks.
Place the prepared veg out of the fridge and transfer everything to a blender (rather than a food processor, and you will need to do this in batches).
Blend, and then pass through a medium strainer – not too fine – into a clean bowl.
Push the liquid through the strainer with a ladle and mix everything together well.
Put the gazpacho in the fridge to chill once more and serve it ice cold on a hot summer’s day.
If you have time, serve the gazpacho with small bowls of garlic croutons, finely chopped onion, small cucumber dice, diced tomatoes (skinned and deseeded) and diced red, yellow and green peppers.
These items should be served separately so that guests can help themselves to whatever they like.
Visit MaldonSalt.co.uk

Chilled Summer Soup With Cucumber & Avocado: Sarah Britton, Naturally Nourished
First, make the dukkah. Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas Mark 3.
Spread the hazelnuts out in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and roast for 20-30 minutes until fragrant and the skins have turned darker in colour. (Another good way to check they're done is to bite a hazelnut in half and inspect the colour – it should be golden, not white, inside.)
Remove from the oven, and when cool enough to handle, rub them together to remove the skins.
Place the nuts in a food processor.
While the hazelnuts are roasting, place a dry frying pan over a medium heat. When hot, toast the coriander and cumin seeds, stirring often, until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat immediately, leave the seeds to cool, then place them in a mortar and pestle and add the peppercorns.
Using the pestle, grind the seeds and peppercorns together until pulverised. (Alternatively, grind them together in a coffee mill or food processor). Set aside.
In the same frying pan, toast the sesame seeds for about 2 minutes until they are fragrant and begin to pop.
Leave to cool slightly. Place the sesame seeds in the food processor with the hazelnuts. Pulse to chop the mixture until you get a chunky-sand texture. (Do not blend, or you will end up with hazelnut-sesame butter).
Add the pulverised spices and the salt to the food processor and pulse once more to combine.
Taste and adjust the seasonings, if necessary. Store in an airtight glass container at room temperature for up to 1 month.
In a blender, combine the cucumbers, avocados, lemon juice, mint leaves, salt, oil, chives, parsley and water, and blend on high until the mixture is as smooth as possible.
Strain through a fine sieve for extra smoothness, if desired. Season with salt.
Place in the fridge to chill for at least 2 hours to allow the flavours to meld.
Enjoy cold, topped with dukkah.
Visit Waterstones.com

Classic Gazpacho: Daniel Farrow, The Gatherers
Roughly chop and add all ingredients to a container and leave to marinate overnight (or for a good few hours at least – the longer the better).
When ready to put your gazpacho together, blitz in a blender
Add more red wine vinegar, salt and olive oil if necessary, to taste.
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