Chickpeas Catalan-Style With Saffron & Almond Picada
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan, add the onions and cook very gently for about 20 minutes, until translucent and sweet.
While these are cooking, with a pestle and mortar, pound the chopped almonds with the saffron, parsley and garlic. Blend with another 50ml of the reserved cooking liquid (or water if using jarred chickpeas), and put aside.
Add the tomatoes and cook for a further 20 minutes. If you are using sofrito instead of fresh tomatoes, then you only need to stir the sofrito sauce through and warm it.
Add the cooked chickpeas together with liquid from the jar, topped up if necessary with water, and heat through.
Then add your ground almonds, saffron, parsley and garlic to the pan of chickpeas and sauce. Stir this in well to add depth of flavour to the dish, taste and season.
Recipe courtesy of Brindisa.com
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