Me & My Faith: Elanna McGowan
Me & My Faith: Elanna McGowan

Me & My Faith: Elanna McGowan

In this miniseries, we sit down with women from various walks of life to explore how their faith shapes who they are. Elanna McGowan is the founder of vegan and cruelty free Pearl Beauty and here, she explains what it means to be a Christian today.
By Sherri Andrew /

I grew up in a Christian household back in Canada. I went to church on Sundays, attended a youth group, and was surrounded by a strong community of like-minded individuals. My friends and I loved going to youth events, which usually involved sleepovers and fun gatherings. That sense of community stayed with me into adulthood, especially when I worked at a faith-focused camp, which is where I met my husband, Paddy. It was a big part of my life, but I also went through my own personal journey with faith. I had moments of doubt, particularly in my late teens and early 20s, but I never felt like I had a rebellious phase. My relationship with God was something I always wanted for myself, not just because I was raised that way.

Moving to Northern Ireland was a huge transition for me. I’ve been here for almost a decade now, and it’s become home, although I still miss Canada. My husband is from here, and we moved after we got married. It’s amazing to think that we’ve now been married for eight years, have three children, and run a business together. Life has been busy, but it's been blessed in many ways. Facing the challenges of living so far away from my family, my faith has been a constant source of strength.

Having lived in Northern Ireland for nine years now, I’d say it’s quite a religious country. But, for a lot of people, religion is more of a label, something they've grown up with. They might go to church at Christmas or Easter, but it doesn’t always go beyond that. My family and I are part of a strong Christian community, and our lives are intertwined with friends who share our faith. This community is not just a spiritual support; it impacts our daily lives, from the schools our kids go to, to the friendships we form.

Prayer is at THE CORE OF EVERYTHING WE DO AS A FAMILY. It’s not something I reserve for a specific time of day; it’s more of a CONSTANT CONVERSATION WITH GOD.

Faith for me is not just about tradition but about purpose. Over the years, I’ve realised that when I lean into my relationship with God, I feel more grounded, even in difficult times. My faith gives me purpose, and it’s a freeing feeling to trust that God has a plan for my life. Whether it’s family life, business or friendships, I rely on His guidance in all areas. I genuinely believe I wouldn’t be where I am today without that foundation.

My husband and I were raised in very similar Christian environments, which has made it easier for our values to align in family life. My mom always said that when you’re thinking of marriage, it’s crucial to discuss faith. Sometimes people think it won’t be a big deal, but once children are involved, faith often becomes more important again. For Paddy and me, our Christian values have always been a strong foundation, and we’ve been lucky to have a community that holds us accountable and supports us in living those values.

Faith influences every aspect of my life – including Pearl Beauty. When Paddy and I created Pearl, faith was at its core. He works alongside me now, and we see our business as a way to show our children the value of following your dreams while also working hard for them. As much as we love Pearl, our marriage and our faith come first. Being present for our children and nurturing healthy relationships with family and friends are non-negotiable priorities. I’m so grateful we’re able to work from home and have flexible schedules, but I know this is something we prayed for. It wasn’t handed to us overnight. 

Prayer is at the core of everything we do as a family. It’s not something I reserve for a specific time of day; it’s more of a constant conversation with God. Whether it’s something small, like wanting guidance on a decision, or something big, like the health of a loved one, prayer is always there. And it’s not just me – Paddy and I make prayer a central part of our marriage, and we involve our kids as well. We try to make it a regular part of our day, whether through family devotions or personal prayer.

Raising my kids in the same faith is important to me. We want them to have a strong relationship with God, but we also understand it has to be their own journey. We read child-friendly versions of the Bible with them and use devotionals that help guide our conversations about faith. They naturally follow our lead right now, and we try to show them what an authentic relationship with God looks like. Ultimately, though, we want them to have their own personal journey with God, and whatever that looks like, we’ll always be there to support and love them. 

We do daily devotions with our older kids, where we read simplified Bible stories and discuss them together. Their pure, innocent responses are a beautiful reminder of how pure-hearted children can be. Their questions come from a place of curiosity, not pressure, and I love watching how they interpret these stories. It’s lovely as an adult to see faith through their eyes, and it keeps me grounded in my own beliefs. I’ve also been using an app called Bible in One Year, which has been great for structuring my own reading. I’ll be honest, though: sometimes it’s hard to stay disciplined with Bible reading. But I know the power of scripture, and it’s something I’m constantly working on.

Key Christian holidays are about togetherness and meaning. For us, Christmas and Easter are a little different from what they might be for others who don’t share our faith. We still cook, spend time together, and attend church services like most people, but we also focus on the deeper meaning behind these holidays. For example, at Christmas we read the story of Christ’s birth, and our kids' favourite movie, Journey to Bethlehem, is on repeat all year round. It's important to us that our children understand Christmas isn’t just about gifts but about the story of Christ. That said, we aren’t overly traditional about how we celebrate – we do what works for our family, and that includes bringing in some Canadian traditions like Thanksgiving.

For me, MY FAITH IS INCREDIBLY PERSONAL. It’s not about religion; it’s about the relationship I have with God, and THAT RELATIONSHIP SHAPES EVERY PART OF MY LIFE.

Living as a Christian in today’s world comes with its challenges. Social media can be a blessing because it allows me to connect with like-minded people, even though my life is spread across two countries. But it also comes with noise – lots of opinions and criticism about religion. Still, I try to live my life as a light, to be an example of God’s love. It’s not always easy, but I remind myself that my goal is to reflect Jesus in everything I do.

Sharing my faith online has been a positive experience. I’ve been on social media for almost ten years now, and while I’ve always shared a little bit about my faith, it’s something I’ve become more open and bolder about in recent years. Most of my content focuses on beauty, lifestyle and fashion, but when the opportunity arises I’m happy to talk about my relationship with God. Thankfully, I’ve never had a negative experience when sharing my faith, and I think that’s because I’ve always been open and honest about my journey. For me, the best part is the conversations that follow. It’s through these conversations that I’m able to connect with people on a deeper level, which is incredibly rewarding.

For me, my faith is incredibly personal. It’s not about religion; it’s about the relationship I have with God, and that relationship shapes every part of my life – from my family to my work, to the way I interact with the world. We’re all just doing our best, and that’s what I want to teach my kids – to have their own journey, and to approach it with authenticity and love.

My advice for anyone trying to live authentically in their faith is to find a mentor or someone who inspires you. Be accountable. Surround yourself with a community of like-minded people, but also understand that it’s okay to have friends with different beliefs. Some of my closest friends aren’t Christian, but our mutual respect and love for one another are so strong. I think that’s the key to a better world – being able to coexist with respect, no matter what we believe.

I’m always open to questions about my faith. If you follow me on social media, you’ll know I’m an open book. Whether it’s about my relationship with God or something else, I’m always happy to have a conversation. That’s what I love most about sharing my faith – the meaningful discussions that come out of it. So, if you ever want to know more, feel free to reach out.


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