Meet The Woman Living A Stylishly Sustainable Life

Meet The Woman Living A Stylishly Sustainable Life

Fee Drummond is a digital creator, keen traveller and passionate advocate for sustainable living. To mark World Earth Day on 22nd April, we sat down with her to hear about the eco-conscious habits she works into her everyday life on the Cadland estate, and the ethos behind her exclusive travel and wellness retreats.


I’ve been travelling since I was very young – and it definitely gave rise to my interest in sustainable living. Every time I moved country as a child, I would analyse it carefully – how that country worked, how it was set up. For example, the amount of plastic I saw in Mumbai had a deep and long-lasting impact on me. It made me very aware of the need for a more curated life that involved as little waste as possible.

Everything I do has a lot of thought behind it. I’m always looking for pieces that are designed to last a lifetime and can be passed down the generations. The irony is the original idea of luxury was based on exclusivity but, thanks to social media, people now try to consume luxury in the same way as mass-produced items. Couture, for example, is the ultimate example of luxury – pieces are only produced to order and often only once.

Real luxury is about appreciating individual quality. For me, living sustainably is about applying that principle to every aspect of your life – finding joy in the preciousness of these items, be they clothes, food, travel or even just time. That’s something I’ve really come to understand recently – particularly as a mother who’s witnessed the horrendous waste that goes along with things like nappies. It’s made me really question where all of this stuff goes and the impact it has on our planet. 

Thanks to SOCIAL MEDIA, people now CONSUME LUXURY in the same way as MASS-PRODUCED items.


I’m now very passionate about sharing ways and reasons to live more sustainably. I do this largely through my own creative studio, and the imagery and environmental films we produce – which tell stories to prove to our audience and community that it is possible to live stylishly and sustainably. We also work with brands who care and support this mission to get their message out there. It’s wonderful because it brings together a group of very creative people who all share the same values. 

Everything that used to be marketed as sustainable was quite plain and boring. It’s easy to see why it didn’t necessarily draw people in. Today, some of the most sustainable practices and products are super slick – just look at what the Norwegian brands are doing in the sailing world – boats now come with e-powered RIBs and cork decks made from recycled materials. It’s great to see so many innovators investing in this space to bring about meaningful change. 

Sustainable food and farming practices are one of my biggest passions. I’m so interested in where my food comes from – even down to the question of, what did it eat before I ate it? The way we’re using land to grow food and other materials also needs to change, so I’m happy to highlight brands that are doing things differently. We need to live in a world where everyone wants to live sustainably – not just feels like they should – and a lot of that starts with questioning manufacturing and productions methods.


Cadland is in the middle of the countryside, so we’re lucky enough to be able to do things like grow our own vegetables. I’ve been through a lot of different homemaking cycles and while I’m all for convenience where possible, I now try to focus on nutrient density first. Our family has also had its battles with chronic long-term illness – my husband is coeliac for example – so eating well has become incredibly important. Yes, it’s expensive, but I think everyone can evaluate what they’re spending money on and try to shift things if they want to. 

Living sustainably is hard. It demands consistency and like anything, that can be a challenge in the face of daily stressors. Right now, it’s also pretty inconvenient – for example, I made the decision not to use any plastic in my kitchen but finding simple utensils like scrubbing brushes that don’t contain plastic is harder than it sounds. It’s easy to let certain things slip – we’re all human and the idea really is just to do your best. 

Resisting the urge to buy is also tricky in this content-driven age. What I’ve learned is that a lot of the pleasure we get from different purchases is often short-lived. It’s like a dopamine hit – but we need to be more conscious of where it came from and where it’s going to go. Those are two questions I ask myself all before I buy anything, whether it’s something for my wardrobe or something for my home or my children. When I look at images I’m drawn to on Pinterest or Instagram, one thing that really jumps out to me is their minimal aesthetic – they’re not pictures with people wearing lots of expensive clothes or driving flashy cars. It’s all quite pared back – it’s about quality and style. 

Travel is in my blood and I’ve always loved OFF-GRID ADVENTURES. I’ve also been lucky enough to LIVE all over the world and DISCOVER some of the most UNSPOILT spots.

I only try to buy things that are either British made or made by artisans. If it’s handmade, it keeps traditional craft alive – and that keeps communities alive, too. Making choices in this way nurtures my interest in style. It’s never about the quantity or having the latest thing – it’s only about the design details and the quality. 

Travel is in my blood and I’ve always loved off-grid adventures. I’ve also been lucky enough to live all over the world, and discover some of the most unspoilt spots. My decision to start running retreats came after numerous requests from friends. I put these trips together for women only, which has turned out to be very empowering, and every itinerary includes some form of impact-driven work. There’s a time and a place for a raucous girls’ trip – but that’s not what this is. In this chapter of my life, showing fellow women they can travel in a safe and conscious way feels far more rewarding. 

The recent trip to Spain with Kukutana was all about creating a home from home – and immersing everyone in nature. I grew up riding and it’s a passion that’s never left me – along with my passion for Spain. Bringing them together was so fulfilling – it really felt like I was harnessing nature and discovering it in all its beauty in a brand-new way. 


Spain is the perfect choice for an off-grid trip. It’s part of our old trade route, so the handmade craftsmanship and skills that exist there are almost unparalleled. The people are also wonderful, and the climate is good from April to October. Seville, specifically, is full of inspiration – I’m not surprised luxury brands like Dior choose to get their bags made there in the local workshops. You can still ask those workshops to make bespoke pieces for you today, which is wondferful. 

When it comes to travel, carbon offsetting is important. The way I look at it is every trip I do includes some kind of environmental or economically impactful work, and I’m highlighting what can be done to support local communities and the nature that surrounds it. I’m hopeful that carbon offsetting is something that gets build into trips automatically in the future – whether that’s part of the airfare or presented as options when people book. 

The next destinations on my list include Costa Rica and the Amazon. I love the idea of going deep into the jungle and taking my children with me also feels very important. I want to show them as much of the world as I can so that they feel passionate about the responsibility we all have to ensure its survival. As for the organised trips, I want to focus on underwater experiences next – I feel very connected to the ocean and am excited to share that with other women. Also, I plan on running coastal retreats in the UK too, to show people how much we have close to home.  

Right now, living and travelling sustainably goes against the grain. If you want to incorporate these principles into your life, you’re going to have to unlearn certain behaviours and rewire your brain. We also have to disassociate the idea of success from having more – i.e. a bigger house, more cars, more holidays. It’s rewarding to live according to a new set of values. Conscious living is going to be my life’s work – but I’m determined to encourage as many people to join me along the way as possible.

Visit & follow @FeeDrummond on Instagram. 


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