6 Ways Pumpkin Can Make You Look & Feel Better

6 Ways Pumpkin Can Make You Look & Feel Better

When you think of October, your mind likely draws towards pumpkins – but what you may not be aware of, is all the beauty benefits pumpkin provides. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, including more of Halloween’s official vegetable in your diet this autumn can help with everything from getting glowing skin to beating the bloat, and even improving your smile. Here are 6 reasons the beauty experts reckon we should be eating more of it, plus SL’s favourite pumpkin recipes right now…

1. It Gives Skin A Glow

“Pumpkins are packed with antioxidants like that brighten the skin and produce radiant skin cells. Being a good source of vitamin C, it can help protect the skin from wrinkles and in addition, consuming the pumpkin can improve skin tone and elasticity.” – Amanda Von Hagen, skin expert and International Educator at Glo Skin Beauty UK

2. It Can Reverse UV Damage

“Including pumpkin in your diet can help to protect against damaging UV light and reduce the risk of developing cataracts too. The betacarotene in pumpkin helps reverse UV damage which brightens and smooths the skin, whilst the carotenoids (the plant pigment that gives pumpkins their orange hue) slows down cellular ageing.” – Amanda Von Hagen

3. It Strengthens Your Nails

“Rather than investing in costly strengthening polishes, pumpkin seeds work wonders for your nails. They’re rich in vitamin E, protein, zinc, fibre and are alkaline forming which fights inflammation in the body. Eating pumpkin seeds that are rich sources will keep your nails looking and feeling stronger.” – Amanda Von Hagen

4. It Helps Beat The Bloat

“Pumpkins are low in FODMAPs [one of the main culprits behind bloating] and are a good source of soluble fibre which can help support digestive health and feed our beneficial gut flora. They also provide plenty of betacarotene which the body converts to vitamin A – a valuable vitamin supporting gut integrity.”  – Christine Bailey, nutritionist & author of Beat The Bloat

5. It Boosts Hair Thickness & Density

“Zinc-rich foods like pumpkin seeds are important for hair health. Hair follicles are the second fastest growing cells in the body and highly depend on zinc, so a deficiency can cause hair thinning and excessive shedding. Zinc is also essential to maintain healthy levels of thyroid hormones, and its deficiency is associated with hypothyroidism, a condition where not enough thyroid hormones are produced, which can also result in hair loss.” – Christine Bailey

6. It Keeps Teeth & Gums Healthy

“Pumpkins and their seeds are full of nutrients and vitamins that help fight off gum inflammation and help keep the tongue super healthy too, such as zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin A. One cup of pumpkin gives you all the vitamin A and 20% of your needed daily allowance of vitamin C.” – Dr Reena Wadia, oral health & gum specialist

Check out 5 of SL’s favourite pumpkin recipes below…

Healthy Granola Bars
Healthy Granola Bars
East Coast Pumpkin Curry
East Coast Pumpkin Curry
Spiced Pumpkin Red Split Lentil & Turmeric Soup by Daylesford
Spiced Pumpkin Red Split Lentil & Turmeric Soup by Daylesford
Vegan Quinoa Pancakes
Vegan Quinoa Pancakes
Thai Soup With Pumpkin & Cauliflower
Thai Soup With Pumpkin & Cauliflower
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