What’s In My Online Shop: Madeleine Shaw
Coconut – I love to have fresh Thai coconuts to hand. I used to live in Australia and would eat them every day. Our local greengrocer stocks them, so we always have them in the fridge. They’re really refreshing after a workout – I love eating the flesh too.
Harissa Paste – I love to have lots of great sauces and condiments in the cupboard. Harissa is one of my favourites. I like to mix it into cooked rice, over roasted vegetables and brushed onto fish. It’s nice and spicy and brings any dish to life.
Pesto – I’ll often make my own, but when I buy it, I opt for Seggiano. It’s the best. It’s vegan, made with cashews and really tasty.
Yoghurt – I always buy yogurt each week to add to granola, smoothies and to enjoy on its own, with honey, as a snack. I like to buy kefir yogurt, which is more fermented. It’s slightly tangier, but really good for improving gut health.
Fermented Veg – My fridge is full of fermented foods like kimchi. I’ll add these onto a salad to add more gut-loving bacteria to my diet. They last a long time, and there are so many great brands out there mixing different veggies together now.

Tomatoes – I try to pick seasonal fruit and veg as much as I can, as it's the most nutritious and tastes the best. Tomatoes are my son’s favourite. He can't get enough of them, so we always have a selection of cherry tomatoes and heritage tomatoes at home. We eat them as snacks, but I also roast to add to salads or turn into soups or pasta sauces.
Leaves – We often have salads at home for lunch with lots of toasted seeds, legumes and dressings on a bed of rocket, spinach or kale. I keep the leaves at the front of the fridge, so I don’t forget about them – no one likes soggy greens.
Berries – I like to buy lots of fresh berries like blueberries, strawberries and raspberries, as they’re packed full of antioxidants. We eat them for breakfast and as snacks. When they are out of season, I’ll buy them frozen to add to smoothies or to stew them.
Milk – I love oat milk and always buy heaps of Oatly. I use it in smoothies, hot chocolates and with breakfast. I love this particular brand, as it doesn't contain any added oil, which can be hard to find.
Eggs – Our eggs are kept in the cupboard rather than the fridge, as I feel they cook better this way, and where possible I buy organic. I love a boiled egg, but also make lots of omelettes with herbs, chilli and peas. At the end of the week, I’ll do a fridge clean-out and roast all leftover veg to turn it into a tasty frittata.
Nuts & Seeds – There are lots of nuts and seeds in our house. I toast them to add to salads, add them to smoothies and just snack on them throughout the day. They’re full of healthy fats and keep my blood sugar level stable.
Nut Butter – I always add almond butter to my shopping list. I love using nut butter in dressings, too – peanut butter is great in Asian salads.
Spices – You’ll find almost every Bart spice in my cupboard. I love combining different spices to bring all my dishes to life. Cumin, smoked paprika and garlic powder are probably my most used.
Legumes – There are lot of glass jars of legumes in my cupboards. I love Brindisa, as it sells the best chickpeas – they taste ten times better than canned chickpeas and you can reuse the glass jars. I love using them to make homemade hummus, and always add them to curries. They’re also great roasted and sprinkled over various dishes.

Snack Bars – We always order lots of Deliciously Ella bars, especially the apricot and coconut ones and the apple, raisin and oat flavour. I also love the dark chocolate and orange dipped almonds – they are delicious.
Dark Chocolate – This is always in my cupboard. My favourite is Green & Blacks 70% or 85% with a cup of tea: it’s my favourite thing to indulge in after dinner.
Tea – I love to drink herbal tea, so I have lots of Pukka tea packs ready to go. I mix it up throughout the day but love anything with ginger or licorice root.
Cordial – We always have elderflower cordial in the fridge. I love it with fizzy water if I’m after something other than water or tea. I don't drink that much alcohol, so it’s a good alternative.
Cold-Pressed Juice – I love to buy Press juices and smoothies. They are great to have on days where there is no time to cook, or you need to grab a quick breakfast on the go.

Berries – I always buy frozen berries to add to smoothies and baked goods, such as muffins and tray bakes.
Veggies – I love having lots of bags of frozen veg like spinach, courgette and cauliflower to add to smoothies. They’re pretty mild, so you can’t taste them, but they add extra coldness to a smoothie. It’s also good to be able to cook once and eat twice, so I’ll make a big batch of stew, soup or curry and freeze them into portion sizes. I love having these dishes stored away – even though I enjoy cooking, it’s always good to have a night off.
Bananas – Whenever a banana is about to turn, I’ll chip it up and freeze it, then it’s ready for smoothies or making banana ice-cream.
Healthy Ready Meals – Allplants is a family favourite. Of the selection, we’ll often have the plant-based rigatoni bolognese. You just reheat them and they’re always delicious.
Visit MadeleineShaw.com and follow her @Madeleine_Shaw for healthy tips.
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