26 Long-Sleeved Summer Dresses

26 Long-Sleeved Summer Dresses

If you don’t want to bare too skin much, a long-sleeved midi dress is the perfect summer solution. Great for weddings, the office and more, these are our favourites…

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.

Zaira Hand-Smocked Floral Print Poplin Maxi Dress

Loretta Caponi, 
Candy Sylvia Drawstring, £180, Pink City Prints
Candy Sylvia Drawstring, £180, Pink City Prints
Josephine Dress, £455, Wiggy Kit
Josephine Dress, £455, Wiggy Kit

Simone Broderie-Anglaise Cotton Poplin Maxi Dress

Evi Grintela, 

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