A Wellness Guru Shares Her Daily Habits, Favourite Products & More
A Wellness Guru Shares Her Daily Habits, Favourite Products & More

A Wellness Guru Shares Her Daily Habits, Favourite Products & More

For Sarah Jones St John, every day is about maintaining healthy habits that ultimately make her feel happy and calm. Covering everything from early starts to dietary non-negotiables and the workout gear she loves, the founder of London members club Grey Wolfe talks us through a typical day…

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Waking up early, around 5am, has become a ritual for me. It’s free from the distractions and demands of the day. I start each day with a glass of Hydrogen Water. I make sure to drink enough of it throughout the day to fuel and hydrate my body. Molecular hydrogen is a potent antioxidant, making it a great alternative to tap water, as it helps to remove harmful bacteria and dirt. I often use it to wash my fresh produce to ensure I’m getting rid of toxins and instead enjoying the wholesome nutrients they offer. That’s followed by a shot of Lanserhof Microbiome Complex, which helps to reduce inflammation in the gut, and supports and balances my hormones.

INTENSE WORKOUT REGIMES make me feel as though I am constantly waiting for results, & it causes me stress, which is the OPPOSITE of what a workout should bring.

Listening to my body and eating intuitively helps me feel nourished and balanced. Focusing on how I prepare my food is the only rule I follow. Instead of following a particular diet, I focus on the quality of the food I consume, prioritising its nutritional value and health benefits. I also like to eat local food whenever possible. However, I’m very conscious that food is only as nourishing as our bodies allow it to be. We can eat the most high-quality, nutrient-dense, balanced, sufficient and delicious diets on paper, but if our bodies aren't processing them well, we won't get the benefits and, in many cases, more problems can arise. It's important to consider our digestion, blood sugar regulation, stress handling, immune responses, possible food sensitivities and more in the nutrition and health puzzle.

My morning fitness routine includes putting my legs up against the wall. This is probably the easiest yoga pose, and you can do it literally anywhere. It helps to quiet my mind while reducing the oedema in the legs and feet, which relieves tired leg muscles and lower back tension, and it stretches the hamstrings. I also love to have a bath in the morning. To me, it’s a form of meditation. The Mallow Blossom Bath and Herbal Whey Bath by Susanne Kaufmann are my go-tos.


I’m not someone who likes to follow intense workout regimes. I find that it makes me feel as though I am constantly waiting for results, and it causes me stress, which is the opposite of what a workout should bring. I look at working out as a lifestyle. I like to walk, do Pilates or yoga. My routine differs and changes every day. Currently, I’m spending my time stretching. The gentle nature of this acts as a form of meditation, helping me get out of my head and tune into my body. I love the idea of stretching on its own rather than just at the end or before a workout.

All my workout gear comes from Silou, a brilliant brand created by women for women. I love its focus on sustainability. I feel as though wearing clothes made by a brand that shares my passion for driving change influences how I feel when I wear them. And the gear fits so perfectly, which helps me get the most out of my workout. 

Sleep is incredibly important to me. I am dedicated to following a morning and bedtime routine, which includes going to bed early and waking up at exactly the same time each morning. I also love Infrared PEMF, an amazing treatment that helps you wind down and prepare for sleep. I use setting one to slow down the brain waves and within 15 minutes my entire body feels ready for sleep. This has helped me go even deeper in meditation as well, and I sometimes use it to recharge me in the afternoon instead of reaching for a cup of coffee. I love doing gentle movement to get the energy within the body moving; it helps to wash away the EMFs and mimics Earth’s field, providing endless benefits.

A soak in an Epsom salt bath always helps me rinse off the energies of the day. I find that it replenishes me on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It’s such a balancing thing to bring the yin element of Epsom salt, where I feel held, contained, supported and quiet, and combine it with the tranquil, healing powers of water. While clearing my aura, these baths are particularly great for detoxifying the body, relaxing the muscles and improving sleep quality.

I always make time for journalling at the end of the day. Our lives are so busy and filled with worries, fears and concerns, I like to make sure I have an outlet that helps me put it all away before I drift off, so these issues don’t hinder my sleep. Journalling also gives me the chance to evaluate each day and accept it as it happened. It draws a line between today and tomorrow, helping me to see the next morning as an opportunity for which I can be grateful. Without drawing this line in the sand, today can spill over into tomorrow. And this stops us from being present. So, instead of storing and suppressing all these thoughts and feelings inside your mind while trying to go to sleep, you can write them down. I do recommend that it's pretty much the last thing you do before going to sleep.

My bedroom is very minimalistic, designed by the brilliant feng shui master Sarah McAllisterAside from the bed and a dressing table, the only accessories in my bedroom are my crystals. All of my bed sheets are from Bedfolk – I love the feeling of real linen. I also use a grounding mattress, which helps me immerse in eight hours of healing every night by grounding with Earth’s negative charge.  

A soak in an Epsom salt bath replenishes me on a PHYSICAL, MENTAL & EMOTIONAL level. Epsom salts are so good at detoxifying the body, relaxing the muscles & improving sleep quality.

Something I try to remember every day is that ‘healthy’ doesn’t mean perfect. We’re ever changing and growing, so while it’s great to strive for the best you can be, it’s also important not to put the pressure of reaching perfection onto yourself. Doing what you need to do for yourself and enjoying the journey is the best way to approach each day. Your journey, your healing, your rules.

With so much noise and stimulation from the day, I feel it's important to quiet the mind and acknowledge your body. Once I get into bed, I say my night affirmation: “I let go of any energy accumulated today that does not serve me. And with deep gratitude, I honour my experience today. I honour the people, the lessons and the wisdom I have received. And as I lie down to rest, I open myself to the great blessings that await me tomorrow.” A body-scan meditation provides me with a way to tune into the tiny tingles, throbs and thrums that you often don’t even notice. It consists of scanning your entire body and paying attention to any pain, tension or anything that feels out of the ordinary. This helps you feel more connected to your physical and emotional self. Most nights, I doze off before I reach my head. It’s a truly grounding exercise, one that I find myself doing during the day, whenever I feel off balance physically or emotionally.




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